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66AK2G12: FTP client code for evmk2g

Part Number: 66AK2G12


processor - 66ak2g12.


PDK - pdk_k2g_1_0_15.

i am trying to get a file from linux machine using FTP protocol for that i used example project of NIMU_FtpExample_evmK2G_armExampleproject from my examples, in the example project there is no client code is available.

i need to set my evmk2g as a client and linux machine as server and i need to fetch a file from the linux machine. this is my requirement.

could you please provide the client code for FTP functionality.

thanks & Regards,

selvamuthukumaran. G

  • Hello,

    I'm sorry, we only provide the FTP server code that you have already referenced. We do not provide FTP client code as an example.

  • hi,

    let me explain my scenario and revert me if you can able to help me on this.

    we are using evmk2g processor and that will be connected to master which runs on UNIX.

    when the board boots i need to read a file from the master to evmk2g via FTP protocol.

    in this evmk2g - client and master - server.

    i can able to connect with master and further steps i can't able to do, so it would be better if you provide the code for reading a file from server using FTP.

    thanks & Regards,

    selvamuthukumaran . G

  • As I stated earlier, we don't have FTP Client example code to provide.

    I understand your need, but we will not be able to fulfill as it is not part of our standard software offering.

    Thank you.