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I see the Edge AI demo introduce it support V4L2 capture driver,but I search from e2e case that said TDA4 Linux SDK not support V4L2 camera driver,camera driver in RTOS SDK.
How the Edge AI demo support V4L2?
If not support V4L2,how does the gstreamer get the camera source data?
The Edge AI demo supports V4L2, because in the Edge AI SDK we have moved the capture and display drivers to run on the A72 cores that run Linux.
As you read, until recently we only provided the camera drivers through the RTOS SDK to run on the R5 cores, and we did not provide V4L2 support through the Linux SDK. However, starting from 8.1 version of Linux SDK and Edge AI SDK version 8.0, we provide V4L2 through Linux.
For reference, here is documentation on V4L2 in Linux SDK 8.1:
from the doc I see the V4L2 support encoder and decoder,how about camera and display,does they also driver in RTOS?
Apologies, I had some misunderstanding.
Just for Edge AI SDK specifically, we enable camera and display from A72 using Linux which allows camera based V4L2.
On the other hand, for Linux SDK and RTOS SDK, the location of the camera and display drivers are still on the RTOS side, and only the V4L2 codec has moved from RTOS to Linux.
why only Edge AI SDK enable camera and display with V4L2 ? is it any technical limited on Linux side?only support one camera on Linux side can not support deserializer that multi cameras device?
Edge AI SDK enables camera and display with V4L2, because Edge AI SDK and the SK-TDA4VM board that it was designed for is marketed more towards industrial customers that want to abstract the RTOS layer.
For automotive customers we have seen many use QNX+RTOS for production. And since QNX does not have V4L2 available, we have the display and capture drivers available through the RTOS SDK that are used by both Linux and QNX, instead of having display and capture drivers specifically for Linux and specifically for QNX.
So I am not sure if there is any technical limitation on the Linux side, and I will have to talk to a few more people to gather the whole picture.
What is the use case of your product (for example: automotive infotainment system, ADAS, industrial application, robotics)? And are there any requirements for display and capture like multi camera?
Thanks for your detail reply,our product is vehicle control system and develop NXP soc with Linux before,now change to TDA4
our application and framework about camera and display develop are based on Linux,so if we want to merged to TDA4 that used RTOS,it is difficult
is there any plan to support deserializer with multi cameras and serializer with multi display driver in TDA4 Linux release?
What I have gathered so far from the team is this:
I'm still in the process of verifying whether there are technical limitations for multi cam on Linux... What I know for sure is we support multi camera on RTOS SDK and have examples for it.
To gather more specific information:
I want to use Edge AI SDK demo run on our custom board that test get frame from camera then use gstreamer push streaming to ethernet
but our board just support deserializer with camera, so the Edge AI demo can not run
both Linux+RTOS SDK and Edge AI SDK I want to run on our board for diff scene needed
Multi camera with V4L2 is technically possible, but software-wise the drivers for FPD Link serializer and deserializer are not present in the SDK yet.
What is the plan of PSDK 8.4 version release ?please share the patch to me also
I let the developer know that you want to see the patches. They will contact you in the next day or two.
Additionally, the current planned release date for 8.4 is July end.