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Hi TI experts,
I also found the purple edge around highlight spot on OX03C10 module when I'm doing IQ tuning, is there a good way to solve this problem on TDA4?
Is this related to the PWL? I attached the setting of PWL here, please help me check.
0 0 1023 1023 1279 2047 1535 4095 2303 16383 2559 24575 2943 49151 3071 65535 3327 131071 3455 196607 3519 262143 3647 524287 3775 1048575 3903 2097151 3999 4194303 4095 16777215 65535 16777215
looking forward your reply.
Hi Gang,
I have captured the raw image, please help me continue check this problem.
OVX3C-purple edge problem
Hi Zhili,
The purple edges around image corner are most likely due to chromatic aberration.
Is that what you are look at?
Yes, the purple edges in your snapshoot are likely due to CA, I learned that the CAC is supported in vpac3, is this can be solved in vpac3?
However, what I would like to know more is whether the purple edge around the highlight (such as the sun's reflection area, shown in below snapshoots) is also due to CA?
Yes, the purple edges in your snapshoot are likely due to CA, I learned that the CAC is supported in vpac3, is this can be solved in vpac3?
Yes, this is correct.
However, what I would like to know more is whether the purple edge around the highlight (such as the sun's reflection area, shown in below snapshoots) is also due to CA?
For the white car on left, it looks like due to sensor WDR merging.
On the other car on right, it is difficult for me to tell.
In general, if the cause is CA, artifacts will disappear if they are around image center.
For the white car on left, it looks like due to sensor WDR merging.
Do you have any experience in this field? Can the problem be improved by modifying the gain of a particular frame?
Do you have any experience in this field? Can the problem be improved by modifying the gain of a particular frame?
No, I don't have much experience.
That starts with sensor settings and OVT may have much more experience.
It might be related to the split-pixel in sensor.
I have not worked much with WDR OVT sensors.