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TMS320C6746: TMS320C6746 - C6FLO-DSPTOOL where can i find it and how to use it

Part Number: TMS320C6746

Hello TI,

where i can find this tool


C6EZFlo Graphical Development Tool for TMS320C6000 Devices

  • Hello 

    This was a legacy tool and is no longer supported. 

    I see you have several questions on Starterware - same is the case with the Starterware for OMAPL1x/674x, that is a legacy software package hosted as is. 

    No new development, SDK  or example base is planned for this family of devices

    The latest SDK is provided here

    If you do not see any peripheral examples, you would likely need to develop on your own. 

    You may find some code snippets for some peripherals searching through E2E

