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Dear Ti experts.
I need to write splash screen for AM625 on sbl. I porting from baremetal dss_display_app on pdk_am65xx_08_02_00_21 to sbl. we have some questions bellow:
The code in RTOS bellow:
#if defined (__aarch64__) Intc_Init(0); Intc_IntRegister(CSL_GIC0_INTR_DSS0_BUS_DISPC_INTR_REQ_0, (IntrFuncPtr) App_displayISR, 0U); Intc_IntPrioritySet(CSL_GIC0_INTR_DSS0_BUS_DISPC_INTR_REQ_0, 1U, 0U); Intc_SystemEnable(CSL_GIC0_INTR_DSS0_BUS_DISPC_INTR_REQ_0); #else Intc_Init(); Intc_IntSetSrcType(52U, (uint32_t)CSL_VIM_INTR_TYPE_LEVEL); Intc_IntPrioritySet(52U, 1U, 0U); Intc_IntRegister(52U, (IntrFuncPtr) App_displayISR, 0U); Intc_IntEnable(52U); In
Hello Tran Thang,
Please give me some time to discuss the DSS driver with the team and come back with the most appropriate solution.
Unfortunately we are not actively supporting PDK on AM65 and do not have the expertise to guide on you on this discussion/approach.
We also have not done any work to get AM62 DSS working on SBL , so best reference will be the TRM and if you get stuck somewhere we can try to support you. There is no in house development work yet on SBL for early splash screen on AM625