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I'm working on a project to interface with a third party sensor array. The HAL test provided by the vendor involves using a GPIO pin that is polled as well as being connected to an ISR.
I am starting from the gpio_input_interrupt example in SDK version When I change the syscfg file so that gpio1.GPIO_gpioPin.$assign = "EPWM0_A" and connect a wire to J2.11 on my launchpad, the interrupt is never triggered when I connect that pin between GND and 3.3V. Is there another step that I'm missing to connect that pin to an interrupt?
Also, when using the original pin connected to SW4, I added the line "DebugP_log("Current key value: %d\r\n", GPIO_pinRead(bankNum, pinNum)" to get the current value of the interrupt pin, but it always reads as 0, even when I am holding the button. Is there another function that should be used to read interrupt pins?
HI Mike
You can try the following to debug this issue:
1. Check if the GPIO pin is configured as input direction.
2. Check if the GPIO Interrupt XBAR is also configured for the same pin, in the syscfg:
(Step 2 --> I made the below change along with changing the GPIO pin and it worked for me)
3. For the GPIO Initialisation in the main code, Check if the pinMode API is being called for GPIO 43.
4. Check if you are clearing the correct Interrupt status in the ISR.
Hope this helps
Sri Vidya