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DM6437 Application Example & Demo Code comilation problem

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DEMOAPP-DM6437, CCSTUDIO

I try to use new version "demoapp-dm6437" downloaded from "", but when I compile it I have this error:

js: "C:/dvsdk_1_01_00_15/xdc_2_95_02/packages/xdc/cfg/Main.xs", line 170: exception from uncaught JavaScript throw: Error: incompatible use of package 'ti.rtdx': imported ti.rtdx [2,0,0,5,0], ti.bios.utils was built with ti.rtdx [], was built with ti.rtdx [], ti.bios.log.ndk was built with ti.rtdx []; incompatible use of package 'xdc.bld': imported xdc.bld [1,0,0,0,1183011756898], ti.rtdx was built with xdc.bld [1, 0, 1], ti.pmi was built with xdc.bld [1, 0, 1], ti.pscl was built with xdc.bld [1, 0, 1], ti.bios was built with xdc.bld [1, 0, 1]; incompatible use of package 'xdc': imported xdc [1,1,0,0,1183011749422], ti.rtdx was built with xdc [1, 1, 1, 0], ti.pmi was built with xdc [1, 1, 1, 0], ti.pscl was built with xdc [1, 1, 1, 0], ti.bios was built with xdc [1, 1, 1, 0]
Adding the following line to your configuration script:
    environment['xdc.cfg.check.fatal'] = 'false';
converts this incompatibility error into a warning. Please, check the documentation for the package xdc.cfg for more information.
    "C:/dvsdk_1_01_00_15/xdc_2_95_02/packages/xdc/xs.js", line 137
gmake.exe: *** [package/cfg/dm6437_demo_x64P.c] Error 1
gmake.exe: *** [package/cfg/dm6437_demo_x64P.c] Deleting file `package/cfg/dm6437_demo_x64Pcfg.cmd'
gmake.exe: *** [package/cfg/dm6437_demo_x64P.c] Deleting file `package/cfg/dm6437_demo_x64Pcfg_c.c'
gmake.exe: *** [package/cfg/dm6437_demo_x64P.c] Deleting file `package/cfg/dm6437_demo_x64Pcfg.s62'

Configuration step failed.

A configuration script threw an exception (error).
Please look at the highlighted script name and line number above to determine what could be the cause of error.

Please review the above information carefully to correct this configuration error.

I don't know how documentation check and what is the problem. Anyone could me help??

Thanks a lot.

  • Pablo,

    I am gong to move this into the BIOS forum.  They can help with this.




  • Pablo,

    The errors you are seeing occur when incompatible versions of BIOS, XDC, NDK, or BIOS Utilities are used together.

    Can you run the following commands from within a DOS shell and post the output?



    This will give me some information about the build components you have for your DVSDK.

    Can you also post the *full build output* from the "demoapp-dm6437" project?



  • Sorry for late response.

    I need resolve this problem.

    The result that you request me is this:



    Thanks a lot

  • Pablo,

    Can you also post the *full build output* from the "demoapp-dm6437" project?

    I think this error may be due to the version of BIOS you are using.  I see that the dvsdk_1_01_00_15 uses bios_5_31_07.  Is that the version of BIOS you are building with?

    If not, could you update CCS to use bios_5_31_07 and rebuild?

    (I think you are using CCSv3.x ... if so, you can change the version of BIOS in the CCS component manager.  Go to "help -> about" then click "component manager".  You should see some tool set for C64x for BIOS, and under that you can mark a check box for the version of BIOS you want to build against.  To verify that it worked, you can see the version of BIOS being printed out in your project's build log).



  • Hi, thanks for your response.

    I installed CCS4.2 yesterday. After that I had problems with environment variables to compile projects in CCS3.3 (because their paths were diferent). I changed it to old paths, and some of problems are resolved, but I have problems in configuration configuring dm6437_demo.x64P . I have this compiling result:

    [dm6437_demo.cfg] "C:\Archivos de programa\Texas Instruments\xdctools_3_20_08_88\xs.exe"  --xdcpathsfile="xdcpaths.dat" -tti.targets.C64P -pti.platforms.evmDM6437 --tcf -Dconfig.importPath=".../../examples/common/evmDM6437" -c "C:/CCStudio_v3.3/C6000/cgtools" --xp "C:/CCStudio_v3.3/bios_5_31_07//packages" -o "xdcconfig" dm6437_demo.cfg

    Info: running XDC configuration using package path:
    C:\Archivos de programa\Texas Instruments\xdctools_3_20_08_88\packages

    The configuration step is now running:

    configuring dm6437_demo.x64P from package/cfg/dm6437_demo_x64P.cfg ...
    js: "./package/cfg/dm6437_demo_x64P.cfg", line 724: xdc.PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND: can't locate the package 'ti.bios' along the path: 'C:/dvsdk_1_01_00_15/dm6437_demo_1_30_00/examples/common/evmDM6437;C:/ARCHIV~1/TEXASI~1/xdctools_3_20_08_88/packages;..;'. Ensure that the package path is set correctly.
    xdctools_3_20_08_88\gmake.exe: *** [package/cfg/dm6437_demo_x64P.xdl] Error 1
    Warning: directory "C:/dvsdk_1_01_00_15/dm6437_demo_1_30_00/examples/common/evmDM6437" on package path does not exist
    js: "C:/Archivos de programa/Texas Instruments/xdctools_3_20_08_88/packages/xdc/tools/Cmdr.xs", line 51: Error: configuration failed due to earlier errors (status = 2); 'linker.cmd' deleted.

    The problem is the paths, but I don't know how resolve it!!

  • Pablo,

    You are right, the problem is that the path to your BIOS installation is not on your "package path".  You can update the package path in the build options of your project (right click on project -> build options).

    Under build options, you will find the package path under the tab called "DspBiosBuilder" (see screen shot).  You should add the path to your BIOS installation:


    Pablo, I just re-read your post and now I am wondering, are you also trying to migrate your project to CCSv4?  Or are you still using CCSv3?  (the above steps apply to CCSv3).

    Furthermore, CCSv3 projects are not compatible with CCSv4.



  • Thanks a lot. I'll try your recommendations in few minutes.

    About your "wonderment": I didn't know that migration to CCS4 is not possible for this project. I explain you: first I started with CCS3.1 for working with dsk6713 and starting with DSP tecnologies and development tools. I got DSK6713 from Digital Spectrum. I tried follow tutorials and I have some problems, for that, I contacted with TI support about CCS3.1 bug about some debugtool utilities. In tech support recommend me starting to work with CCS4.2, they sent me an temporal license, but in that moment i don't install new version (I was afraid for incompabilities!). After that I got EVM6437, purchased with CCS3.3. I installed it, and i'm working with it since then. But now, when I know more about DSP and CCS, I try to work with CCS4, installing... I don't know if you can recommend me this operation: starting to work with CCS4.2 to probe example projects and developing some projects with video proccesing, I need VLIB (I am waiting for library, I send a request to TI) & imgLIB and I don't know if it works correctly with this CCS version and this evaluation module (EVM6437).

    I'll post my results about your tip as soon as I try it.


  • Pablo,

    Please allow me to clarify with regards to CCSv3 project compatibility ...

    What I meant was, for a project created in CCSv3, you cannot directly import it into CCSv4.  In order to migrate a CCSv3 project to CCSv4, you would basically need to create a new project within CCSv4 and then add all of the files, compiler, linker and DspBiosBuilder settings that existed in the CCSv3 project to the new project that's created in CCSv4.

    So, I'd say that working with CCSv4 is not in itself an issue if you want to explore some examples that work in CCSv4, or if you wish to begin some new work (with a new project).

    But, if there are some CCSv3 based examples that came with your DVSDK, and you want to experiment with those, I would *not recommend* trying to convert those over to CCSv4.  I would simply use CCSv3 to build and try out those examples.  Then, you can try what I mentioned in my previous post to get the DspBiosBuilder path corrected.

    Lastly, here's the screenshot I forgot to post before...



  • Hello.

    Thanks for your clear response. At the moment, then, I'll work with CCS3.3. When I start my own project development, I'll try use CCS4.4 bearing in mind your tips and recommendations.

    Again, thanks a lot

  • I forgot something...

    Yesterday, I received information sent by TI about migration CCS3.3 to CCS4.2. If someone needs information about this, I attached links:


    Importing CCSv3 Projects into CCSv4

    Migrating to CCSv4