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TMS320C5517: emif interface

Part Number: TMS320C5517
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320VC5502, , TMS320VC5501

Good morning,

I need to migrate from dsp TMS320vc5502 to TMS320c5517.

How can I configure Emif interface on TMS320c5517?

Thanks in advance


  • Hi Guido,

    All the EMIF examples are at c55_csl_3.08.01\ccs_v6.x_examples\emif. You can find the C55x Low Power CSL at SPRC133 Driver or library |

    The documentation about the C5517 EMIF is in chapter 4 of C5517 TRM: TMS320C5517 Digital Signal Processor (Rev. B) (

    Best regards,


  • The problem is find documentation about new cls library.

    Does exist a TI tool like stm32cubeMX for dsp configuration?


  • Hi Guido,

    Unfortunately, there is no GUI configuration tool for C55x DSPs. All the EMIF related functions are in inc/csl_emif.h and src/csl_emif.c. Of course, you can refer to the C5517 RTM for EMIF register definition, so that you can access to the EMIF registers directly. There is a inc/cslr_emif.h which has the EMIF register bitmap defination.

    Best regards,


  • Hello Ming,

    I'm having trouble finding documentation regarding the EMIF libraries for the C5517.  For the DSP 5502, there was documentation titled "TMS320VC5501/5502 DSP External Memory Interface (EMIF) Reference Guide" (spru621f.pdf).

    Is there a similar document for the C5517?

    I'm reverse engineering the libraries, and I've noticed that the compiler doesn't accept the 'ioport' directive. 

    By commenting out the 'ioport' directive, the compiler no longer generates errors.

    The 'ioport' directive is no longer supported and not needed?

    If it's no longer needed, why is it still present in the libraries?

    Thank you in advance

  • Hi Guido,

    In SPRUH16B, chapter 4 is all for EMIF.

    ioport is still used for memory mapped IO space. For CSL 03.08.00 low power, you have to use the CGT for C5500 4.4.1

    Best regards,


  • Hi Ming,

    I have already deeply read Chapter 4 of the EMIF interface documentation, and it is very helpful for register configuration.

    However, I would need documentation for using the CSL libraries, as there was once for the C5502 (spru621f.pdf)."

    Regarding the CSL libraries version 03.08.00 low power you mentioned (I'm actually using the c55_csl_3.08.01) what is CGT for C5500 4.4.1 and where can I find it?

    Best regards,


  • Hi Guido,

    There are no other documentations for C5517 EMIF.

    You can get the CGT for C5500 4.4.1 at: Code Generation Tools for Texas Instruments Processors : Downloads

    Best regards,


  • Hi Ming,

    as you can see from the attached image, the CGT 4.4.1 compiler was already installed.

    Nevertheless, the 'ioport' directive is not resolved, and the compilation fails miserably.

    How can I work around this issue?

    Regarding the documentation, I specifically need information on managing the CSL libraries, not necessarily on EMIF.

    Where can I find them?

    I don't believe TI would provide libraries without the necessary documentation for usage.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Guido,

    The ioport definition is handle by the C5500 CGT 4.4.1. I installed the C5500 CGT 4.4.1 for CCS 12.5.0, imported the UART interrupt example and the CSL project. The example built fine. As you can see many ioport are used in those two CCS projects.

    Please also make sure the compiler version is correct in the CCS project properties:

    Last thing to check. Make sure the DSP/BIOS is installed too.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Ming,

    I don't use the C5505 but the C5517: is DSP/BIOS p5.42.02.10 compatible with the C5517?

    I downloaded and installed the file bios_setupwin32_5_42_02_10.exe but it is not recognized by Code Composer. How should I proceed to include it in the project?

    The last time you didn't answer my question about the CSL libraries: where can I find information about them?

  • Hi Guido,

    All the information about the C55xx Low Power CSL is at C:\ti\c55_lp\c55_csl_3.08.01\doc.

    To let the CCS to pick up the newly installed components:

    1. CCS --> Window --> Preferences --> Code Composter Studio --> Products

    2. Add the path of the DSP/BIOS installation to Product discovery path:

    3. Press "Refresh" to scan for any newly added components (like DSP/BIOS)

    4. Then add it into the CCSP.

    Best regards,
