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AM68A: AM68A

Part Number: AM68A


I have some questions about TI PSDK9.0 Quantization.

I am using edgeai-tidl-tools to create TIDL-RT.


TIDL-RT binary files are created by using I can find some parameters that looks like for quantization such as dataQ, roundBits, min/maxValue, tensorScale in bin.svg file.


Can I manually change the quantization parameters?

If there is a documentation for parameters, Can I receive it?



Are asymmetric, non-power of 2 scale, per-channel quantization supported in psdk9.0?

These contents have not been updated in a edgeai-tidl-tools document.

I found parameters [
quantization_scale_type, output_feature_16bit_names_list, params_16bit_names_list, quantization_scale_type, channel_wise_quantization] in delegate_options in
Can I have documents for those parameters?


Is there a tool available for calculating the similarity between fp32 model and int8 model created by tidl quantization?

