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AM5726: How to prevent DSP accesses to a certain range of DDR

Part Number: AM5726


I am working on an application where, after some initial setup occurs at boot, I want to prevent the DSP(s) from being able to access all but a small section of DDR memory. It seems like this might be possible using either the DSP MMUs or some type of firewall, but I am not sure where there is any example code to demonstrate how this would be done on the AM57x processor. My questions are:

  1. Is what I am proposing even possible on the AM57x processor?
  2. If so, what would be the easiest way to go about it? Using a firewall? An MMU?
  3. Is there any example code, or anywhere else that I can look for more information on how to actually set this up?

Thanks and best regards,


P.S. -- I am looking to make this runtime configuration change from the DSP itself, and not from one of the ARM cores (that is, I do not want to set it up through Linux).