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We need a CAN example which runs on MCU2_1 with freeRTOS OS along with Linux running on A72 with SPL boot flow and also the CAN instance used in CAN example has to be MCAN0( Main domain CAN0).
SDK version: 9.1
Tarun Mukesh
Please find the attached patches.
Instructions to apply patches and run MCU2_1 firmware for CAN:
1. Apply patches on MCUSW
1.1 cd mcusw/
1.2 git init
1.3 git add .
1.4 git commit -sm "first commit"
1.5 git am 0001-CAN-Profile-App-transmit-MCU2_1.patch.patch
2. Rebuild can_profile_app
2.1 cd mcusw/build/
2.2 make can_profile_app BUILD_OS_TYPE=freertos CORE=mcu2_1
3. Apply the patch on LINUX
3.1 cd PSDKLA_INSTALL_PATH/board-support/ti-linux-kernel-6.1.46+gitAUTOINC+5892b80d6b-g5892b80d6b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/
3.2 git am 0001-Updated-CAN-transceiver.patch
4. Rebuild LINUX DTB and replace in SD card
4.2 make linux-dtbs
4.3 replace the new k3-j721e-common-proc-board.dtb in SD card rootfs/boot/
5. Apply the patch on Uboot
5.1 cd PSDKLA_INSTALL_PATH/board-support/ti-u-boot-2023.04+gitAUTOINC+71b8c840ca-g71b8c840ca/
5.2 git am CAN_gpio_hog.patch
6. Rebuild SPL and u-boot
6.2 make u-boot_clean
6.3 make u-boot
6.4 Replace the tiboot3.bin, tispl.bin and u-boot.img in the SD card boot/
7. Copy the MCU2_1 firmware in the rootfs/lib/firmware
7.1 cp mcusw/binary/can_profile_app/bin/j721e_evm/can_profile_app_mcu2_1_realease.xer5f SD_CARD/rootfs/lib/firmware/ti-ipc/j721e/
Go to SD_CARD/rootfs/lib/firmware
7.2 ln -s /lib/firmware/ti-ipc/j721e/can_profile_app_mcu2_1_realease.xer5f j7-main-r5f0_1-fw
8. Test with SD boot
Note: In SDK 9.1 , the MCU2_0 is default linked to Vision apps binary and might impact executable running on MCU2_1 so replace MCU2_0 binary with any other executable(can be ipc echo test on MCU2_0).
Tarun Mukesh