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Hi Support,
My assigned focus customer is trying to do some work on the power rails of the AM625 SIP and are wondering how fast they can monitor and toggle GPIO before their AM625 boots to Linux.
Would they have better speed with the M4F or a PRU?
Any ideas how fast they could accomplish it?
Is there some documentation on how to get one of the Aux microcontroller subsystems up and running the quickest before Linux boots?
Best Regards,
Hi Blake,
GPIO can be toggled in U-Boot.
Starting M4F can also be done in U-Boot. I am routing your query to our IPC expert details.
Hello Blake,
Are they using SBL boot, or SPL boot? You can find some initial discussion on SBL vs SPL here:
SPL boot
In the standard Linux SDK SPL boot, there are a couple of options: toggling GPIOs directly from uboot, or initializing the M4F core using the uboot rproc driver to control the pins. General steps to use uboot rproc are here:
Note that we are planning to add support for uboot rproc initializing PRU cores, but that feature will not be implemented yet in our upcoming Linux SDK 9.2. I do not have a committed timeframe for when that support will be officially added.
SBL boot
Customers that need remote cores up and running as fast as possible (e.g., automotive usecases, medical where a remote core needs to be up ASAP, etc), typically use SBL boot because SBL can initialize remote cores even earlier than uboot can.