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TDA4AH-Q1: How to calculate Mesh image size for LDC

Part Number: TDA4AH-Q1

Hi Team,

I referred below link for using LDC LUT header file,

for that I referred multi_cam_codec_ldc_module application logic at [ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j784s4-evm-09_02_00_05/vision_apps/apps/basic_demos/app_multi_cam_codec/multi_cam_codec_ldc_module.c] path

where they are using ldc_lut_1920x1080.h for lut and we want to use same logic 

Step1: We used the Matlab script and get the x,y co-ordinate values. As follow:



Step2: then pass this mesh.txt file to DCC tool:




And generate then XML and LUT.txt file:


Step3: XML and LUT.txt file copied in wdr folder.


Step4: updated file updated the XML name:


Step5: after building imaging folder dcc_ldc_ar023_wdr.h file is generated in include folder


This file we are giving as mesh_img input in code.


But for our file the formula calculation is as follows:

   ldcObj->table_width = (((ldcObj->image_width / (1 << ldcObj->ds_factor)) + 1u) + 15u) & (~15u);

   ldcObj->table_height = (ldcObj->image_height / (1 << ldcObj->ds_factor)) + 1u;

ldcObj->table_width = 1920/4  +16= 496

ldcObj->table_height = 1280/4 +1 = 321


Total size of the table = 496*321 = 159216

And have unint 32 i.e. multiplied with 4 bytes


Mesh_img = 159216 * 4 = 636864 which is not matching 623812 with dcc_ldc_ar023_wdr.h data size:



 Question is 

1. How can we calculate the mesh_img size formula to get same bytes in dcc_ldc_ar023_wdr.h file ?, we are getting garbage values