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SK-AM62-LP: Sysconfig for A53 on AM62x MCU SDK

Part Number: SK-AM62-LP
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG


I am developing a FreeRTOS application for the A53 core on AM62x. I have noticed that support for this scenario is available in the AM64x MCU SDK. However, when I use SysConfig from the AM62x, I am unable to select the A53 core (for example for this driver porting layer). Is there a way to enable this core for the MCU SDK on the AM62x?


Wojciech Jaśko

  • Hello,

    Thank you for reaching out to Texas Instruments E2E support forum.

    I am developing a FreeRTOS application for the A53 core on AM62x. I have noticed that support for this scenario is available in the AM64x MCU SDK.

     A53 FreeRTOS/NoRTOS development on AM64x SOC are experimental and is not supported by TI.

    Currently there are no A53 FreeRTOS/NoRTOS examples for AM62x MCU+SDK.

    You can expect A53 examples for FreeRTOS/NoRTOS in the upcoming release of MCU+SDK.



  • Hello,

    Thank you for your replay. Until now I managed to copy armv8 specific files from AM64x and I got a booting image. However, after invoking the first delay, the cpu is stuck in an idle task.

    The board is flashed with null sbl and I loaded the binary via CCS on core 0. I noticed that I am not getting any tick interrupts.

    For a system tick I am using TIMER6 and it seems to work (counter is incrementing...). As far as I know it is IRQ 158.

    When I stoped the target I was able to check GICD module:

    • CTLR = 0x12
    • ISENABLER4 = 0x40000000
    • ICENABLER4 = 0x40000000
    • ISPENDR4 = 0x40000000
    • ICPENDR4 = 0x40000000
    • IPRIORITYR39 = 0x20902020

    Is there any obvious difference between AM64x and AM62x in terms of interrupts? What should I check next?


    Wojciech Jaśko

  • Hello Wojciech Jaśko,

    Is there any obvious difference between AM64x and AM62x in terms of interrupts?

    You can check the interrupt connection details in the AM62x TRM. Please refer "section 10.1.7/8/9/10/11 Interrupt connection" for more details.

    What should I check next?

    As A53 RTOS/NoRTOS is an experimental feature on AM62x/AM243x devices and is not supported by TI. We will not be able to support queries related to A53 RTOS/NoRTOS implementation.

