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AM6548: AM6548 SR2.0 - RTOS PDK ICSSG MII Support

Part Number: AM6548



For the PDK RTOS code, and ICSSG firmware for the AM6548 IDK, does TI support using the ICSSGs in MII mode? 

How would one go about doing this? In a design we have, so far I have modified the pinmux settings for MII mode with firmware I have written for RGMII on the IDKEVM. But our design with ICSSG0 MII + DP83848 does not seem to be working. The PHYs link up but ping tests seem to fail. 

There also appears to be a discrepancy with the TI system configuration tool, for pr0_mii0 signals in the tool the RX/TX pins are mode 9/8, while in the generated C files the pins are mode 1/0. Why is that?
