PROCESSOR-SDK-AM62A: Fls Initialization fails during Nor_xspiReadId execution

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SK-AM62A-LP


Hello Team,

MCAL Package: MCAL_SitaraMPU_09.02.00.05

Board: SK-AM62A-LP Starter Kit

We are working to perform Flash operations on AM62Ax device.

Fls_Init fails during the execution of below section of code:


Std_ReturnType Nor_xspiReadId(SPI_Handle handle)
Std_ReturnType retVal = E_NOT_OK;
uint8 idCode[NOR_RDID_NUM_BYTES];
uint8 cmd[6];
uint32 manfID, devID;
cmd[0] = NOR_CMD_RDID;
cmd[1] = 0; /* Address Bytes */
cmd[2] = 0;
cmd[3] = 0;
cmd[4] = 0;

retVal = Nor_xspiCmdRead(handle, cmd, 5, idCode, NOR_RDID_NUM_BYTES);
if (retVal == E_OK)
manfID = (uint32)idCode[0];
devID = ((uint32)idCode[1] << 8) | ((uint32)idCode[2]);
if ((manfID != NOR_MANF_ID) || (devID != NOR_DEVICE_ID))
retVal = E_NOT_OK;
return (retVal);


We are not able to fetch manfID and devID and it fails during the condition check for the same.

As per MCAL_SitaraMPU_release_notes.html, Fls driver does not support OSPI NAND and it is not tested on AM62Ax board.

Could you please provide your feedback on this?

