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PROCESSOR-SDK-AM62X: DDR Tuning tools, issues with SDK not containing them. instruction unclear

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM62P


regarding DDR setup, im using the evm board to practice what I'll need to do for our real board that is coming in.

i understand there is as of yet no one stop shop tool for connecting and training up the DDR and generating updates for UBOOT.
but i was given a link to the Eye diagram tool that i thought would be useful to hone in on ideal settings.
but that's when things got overly confusing and complicated.

DFU cannot just push this AM62X_TEye_A53_read.out file to the board.
my previous message that lead me to this tool:

We will not have JTAG on out board due to it being a small product the JTAG connector is like attaching a school bus the the side of a mini.
we have serial and USB so it makes sense to use one of those 2 ways of pushing execution to the board and figuring out DDR timing.

instruction in the readme seem like they should be simple but here is what i have found so far...

2) Download the latest MCU+SDK from the board product page (

My result (seems OK):
i downloaded sdk+mcu (ti-processor-sdk-linux-am62xxsip-evm-
ran the bin which created "~/ti-processor-sdk-linux-am62xxsip-evm-" folder of stuff 

3) We will use the tools provided in the MCU+SDK to convert the firmware into an application image. Full details
on these scripts can be found in the MCU+SDK documentation.

.out -> .rprc -> .appimage
a) node out2rprc/elf2rprc.js out2rprc/AM62A_AM62P_TEye_A53_read.out
b) node multicoreImageGen/multicoreImageGen.js --devID 55 --out AM62A_AM62P_TEye_A53_read_unsigned.appimage AM62A_AM62P_TEye_A53_read.rprc@0

My Result (uh oh):
no out2rprc to be found
~/ti-processor-sdk-linux-am62xxsip-evm- $ find ./ -iname out2rprc
~/ti-processor-sdk-linux-am62xxsip-evm- $ find ./ -iname '*out2rprc*'

i ran the script and hit yes to most things.
confused on what NFS is when there is no NFS involved with linux as my project is a yocto based linux ext3 system and uboot comes from yocto but ok ill take an NFS something.
still no out2rprc folder

find ./ -iname '*elf2rprc.js*'
nothing found either.
find ./ -iname multicoreImageGen.js
nothing found
so when the tools expect sdk to have this and it doesn't now what?

in the sdk page under tools anbd utilities/booting tools/UART/

it mentions

cd ${SDK_INSTALL_PATH}/tools/boot
python -p /dev/ttyUSB0 --cfg=sbl_prebuilt/{board}/default_sbl_uart_hs_fs.cfg

this does not exist in the sdk. no ./tools/ folder anywhere
~/ti-processor-sdk-linux-am62xxsip-evm- $ find ./ -iname
nothing found

man i am so lost as to the expectation the readme gave me and what im finding. there must be a simple answer to this but im too much of a numbskull to get it.

also downloaded ccs and and it also does not contain any of these needed tools.
i also have installed the generate SDK from the yocto build and it also does not contain these tools
:/opt/arago-2023.10 $ find ./ -iname multicoreImageGen.js
:/opt/arago-2023.10 $ find ./ -iname
:/opt/arago-2023.10 $ find ./ -iname out2rprc
:/opt/arago-2023.10 $

  • Greetings Jesse,

    2) Download the latest MCU+SDK from the board product page (

    My result (seems OK):
    i downloaded sdk+mcu (ti-processor-sdk-linux-am62xxsip-evm-

    This is not the MCU+SDK, it appears you installed the Linux SDK. The MCU+ SDK can be found in the software page, highlighted the distinction below:

    To save some trouble, here is a direct link to the MCU+SDK for AM62X: 



  • WORD!
    i knew there was something dumb i was doing. if only future me could tell past me what it was.

    :~/ti/mcu_plus_sdk_am62x_10_00_00_14 $ cd tools/
    :~/ti/mcu_plus_sdk_am62x_10_00_00_14/tools $ ls
    bin2c bin2header boot sysfw
    :~/ti/mcu_plus_sdk_am62x_10_00_00_14/tools $ find ./ -iname
    :~/ti/mcu_plus_sdk_am62x_10_00_00_14/tools $ find ./ -iname multicoreImageGen.js
    :~/ti/mcu_plus_sdk_am62x_10_00_00_14/tools $ find ./ -iname

    off to the next brain fog topic i go