AM5706: GPIO interrupt configuration for AM5706

Part Number: AM5706
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSBIOS


Hi, I'm using AM5706 processor and want to trigger and handle the interrupt coming at GPIO5_6 pin. I tried to use the GPIO APIs given in PDK folder(LED blink API) but not getting how to use those APIs, and also tried with accessing direct GPIO registers with this I'm also not getting the result. 


  • I'm using SYS/BIOS RTOS in CCS environment.

  • Hello Hardik,

    Are you using SYSBIOS only or also Linux on A15 core?

    Please share the versions of SW you are using.


  • Hi, I'm using only sysbios and SDK version processor_sdk_rtos_am57xx_08_01_00_09.

  • Did you successfully build the Blink LED example from PDK? 

  • You can also learn more by reading Chapter 17 of the TRM.


  • Hi, yes able to build it but when I'm copying code to my working project it is not working, gpio_init() function itself is crashing the code. 

  • I read it, there I'm not finding the register which will take the address of my ISR

  • Hardik,

    Just to make sure I understand I will reiterate the info you are telling me. You can build the example and successfully run it on your device, correct?

    The issue arises from when you are trying to port the example into your own application? Could you share any logs of the error logs? No messages when building?


  • Hi, actually I'm able to run the project for gpio led and able to trigger the interrupt, but what api they used for triggering the gpio interrupt is based on IRQ_STATUS_RAW0 register ( writing 1 to specific location triggered the interrupt for correspond pin of gpio), and I want to trigger the gpio interrupt whenever the gpio5_6 pin (DATA_IN register gets value 0 at the particular location correspond to specific pin of gpio) gets 0 as an data from external device.

    I'll try to give you logs by tomorrow.

  • Hi, the code attached below is based on GPIO port 5 (pin 6,7,8), I'm using this code to trigger the interrupt given by the TI led blink example code, they are using GPIOTriggerPinInt() for triggering the interrupt, I just don't want to use this API, and want to trigger the interrupt when some one is writing zero at the GPIO5_6,GPIO5_7,GPIO5_8, pins.

    am i doing something wrong for configuring the GPIO interrupt, if yes please correct me.

    #include <ti/csl/csl_utils.h>
    #include <ti/csl/soc/am571x/src/cslr_soc.h>
    #include <ti/csl/csl_types.h>
    #include <ti/drv/gpio/GPIO.h>
    #include <ti/drv/gpio/soc/GPIO_soc.h>
    #include <ti/drv/gpio/soc/GPIO_v1.h>
    #include <ti/csl/soc/am571x/src/cslr_soc_mpu_baseaddress.h>
    #include <ti/csl/hw_types.h>
    #include <ti/csl/csl_clec.h>
    /* Number of GPIO ports */
    #define CSL_GPIO_PER_CNT 8U
    /* GPIO Driver hardware attributes */
    GPIO_v1_hwAttrs_list GPIO_v1_hwAttrs = {

  • Hi Hardik, 

    Could you please tell me what core are you building this for?


  • Hi, for A15 core 0 I'm building this code.

  • Thanks! I will try to take a look at this by the end of this week, might not get back to you until next week.


  • Okay, I'll also try more from my side.

  • Hi josue, I'll explain my connection of ti processor, I have connected the arinc chip(HI- 3220) through spi interface to the ti processor, and the int pin of arinc chip is connected to the gpio5_6 pin of the ti processor, as soon as arinc will receive the data it will trigger the interrupt and make the int pin low, this should generate the interrupt at gpio5_6 of the ti processor.

    Apart from this I want to ask if there is any register for the ti am5706 to which I have to assigned my ISR address, if it is there, can you please send me the small snippet of assigning isr to the register for interrupt?

  • Hello Hardik,

    I am out of the office until 1/22. Please expect delays in reply.


  • Okay Josue, no problem.

  • Hi Josue, any update from your side?

  • Hardik,

    Unfortunately no. I have very low bandwidth and dealing with some internal escalations so I probably will not have time to try anything out for the next 2 weeks.

    I apologize for the delay. For now, you will have to experiment on your own.

    Please pay close attention to 

    Chapter 17 of the TRM

    and you can also look at SYS/BIOS (TI-RTOS Kernel) User's Guide (Rev. V) for SYS/BIOS reference

    and also look at



  • Hi Josue, I tried from my side but not getting how to handle the hardware interrupt, any update from your side?

  • Hi Hardik, 

    I have not had time to re-visit this. I apologize.

    Hopefully I can look at it by next week.
