AM3359: Using LIDD Controller for Controlling 6800 Family Displays on Linux

Part Number: AM3359


Hello everyone,


I am currently working on a project where we are developing an embedded system based on AM3359 running Linux. We are using a 2 x 20 character LCD Display with 6800 family interface. Currently we are interfacing with LCD display by driving GPIO pins from MPU. However, we want to offload this task from MPU. Reading the Technical Reference Manual,  I have noticed that AM3359 seems to have an LCD Controller. According to manual, LCD controller supports LCD character displays using 6800 family interface.

Although register level programming model of LCD interface has been explained in detail in Technical Manual, I have not been able to find any example programs or software libraries for LCD controller to be used on Linux. TI Linux SDK for AM335x does not seem to include any examples or drivers, either.

My question is, are there any resources from TI that I can use for this purpose? If there are not any, how would you advise me to proceed? I am considering either developing a Linux Kernel driver for LCD controller, or mapping LCD Controller register using mmap from /dev/mem. Are there any other approaches you might suggest? Lastly, I am also considering using PRU cores for developing LCD firmware.


Thanks in advance for your assistance.
