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Linux/AM3352: Qt issue with LIDD display

Part Number: AM3352

Tool/software: Linux

Hi SIr 

We used Processor-SDK- for development and used LIDD  setting to send data/command to  RA8875 chip for display.

1. in u-boot, it can display normally.

2. in kernel ->QT stage , we have integrated RA8875 TFT driver in the kerenl and can show rootfs data in LCD via FB0.

if we execute "/etc/init.d/matrix-gui-2.0 start" and then execute matrix_browser  -qws http://localhost:80, the error message showed as below 

   Could not set DRM(4) CRTC(24) mode! (Permission denied) 

Do you have any suggestion for it ? 



  • Hi Yimin,

    Thank you for your patience.  Can you try running the script below, and check if anything looks out of place:

    echo "WSEGL settings"
    cat /etc/powervr.ini
    echo "------"
    echo "ARM CPU information"
    cat /proc/cpuinfo
    echo "------"
    echo "SGX driver information"
    cat /proc/pvr/version
    echo "------"
    echo "Framebuffer settings"
    fbset -i
    echo "------"
    echo "Rotation settings"
    cat /sys/class/graphics/fb0/rotate
    echo "------"
    echo "Kernel Module information"
    echo "------"
    echo "Boot settings"
    cat /proc/cmdline
    echo "------"
    echo "Linux Kernel version"
    uname -a


  • Hi Sir 


    WSEGL settings
    ARM CPU information
    processor       : 0
    model name      : ARMv7 Processor rev 2 (v7l)
    BogoMIPS        : 298.80
    Features        : half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 tls vfpd32
    CPU implementer : 0x41
    CPU architecture: 7
    CPU variant     : 0x3
    CPU part        : 0xc08
    CPU revision    : 2

    Hardware        : Generic AM33XX (Flattened Device Tree)
    Revision        : 0000
    Serial          : 0000000000000000
    SGX driver information
    cat: can't open '/proc/pvr/version': No such file or directory
    Framebuffer settings

    mode "800x480"
        geometry 800 480 800 480 16
        timings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
        rgba 5/11,6/5,5/0,0/0

    Frame buffer device information:
        Name        : AM335x FB
        Address     : 0x9d100000
        Size        : 819200
        Type        : PACKED PIXELS
        Visual      : TRUECOLOR
        XPanStep    : 0
        YPanStep    : 1
        YWrapStep   : 0
        LineLength  : 1600
        Accelerator : No
    Rotation settings
    Kernel Module information
    Module                  Size  Used by
    sha512_generic          9967  0
    sha512_arm             12252  0
    sha256_generic         10178  0
    sha1_generic            2864  0
    sha1_arm_neon           6261  0
    sha1_arm                3862  1 sha1_arm_neon
    md5                     2219  0
    des_generic            17608  0
    cbc                     2388  0
    xfrm_user              22370  2
    xfrm4_tunnel            2040  0
    ipcomp                  2257  0
    xfrm_ipcomp             4311  1 ipcomp
    esp4                    6402  0
    ah4                     5627  0
    af_key                 26776  0
    xfrm_algo               6989  5 xfrm_user,esp4,ah4,af_key,xfrm_ipcomp
    hid_generic             1125  0
    usbhid                 21209  0
    omap_aes_driver        19334  0
    crypto_engine           7098  1 omap_aes_driver
    omap_sham              21950  0
    edt_ft5x06             11588  0
    omap_rng                4759  0
    c_can_platform          6654  0
    rng_core                7584  1 omap_rng
    c_can                   9642  1 c_can_platform
    can_dev                12359  1 c_can
    phy_am335x              2372  2
    phy_generic             5372  1 phy_am335x
    phy_am335x_control      3001  1 phy_am335x
    sch_fq_codel            9115  1
    uio_module_drv          7251  0
    cryptodev              38083  1
    Boot settings
    console=ttyS3,115200n8 consoleblank=0 mem=512M root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=,acdirmin=60,proto=tcp,nfsvers=3,nolock rw ip=
    Linux Kernel version
    Linux smarct335x 4.9.41-g98d1c43705 #1 PREEMPT Mon Aug 5 12:47:59 CST 2019 armv7l GNU/Linux



  • Hi Sir

    Do you have any update ?