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Incorrect device register in package?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320C6455, SPRC234, CCSTUDIO


It seems that the CSL_DEV_REGS in the soc.h header file is incorrect. It reads 0x02A80000 instead of 0x02A80008. Details are as follows:

- I'm using CCS (Code Generation v6.0.8)

- TI TMS320C6455 DSP

The CCS folder (CCStudio_v3.3) did not include the required header definitions for the above chip (6455). Default path is C:\CCStudio_v3.3\C6000\csl\include. I therefore downloaded a separate package from TI (sprc234 zip) which included four different versions under the 6455 default package (csl_c6455, csl_c6455_src, csl_c64xplus_intc_src, csl_c64xplus_intc). I'm using the csl_c6455 folder and changed the path accordingly in CCS to use the header files in this folder.

Based on the above, in order to obtain the correct info with regards to the value of the JTAG ID register (as defined in the TMS320C6455 specification), I had to manually add 8 to the CSL_DEV_REGS definition.

Could someone please exlpain why this is the case? It is important to me, as I plan to use the various GPIO registers (like OUT_DATA) but if the memory addresses are different from those defined in the specification, then I will run into errors.

Can someone shade some light?

Many thanks in advance


  • Ry,

    Welcome to the TI E2E forum. I hope you will find many good answers here and in the documents and in the TI Wiki Pages. Be sure to search those for helpful information and to browse for the questions others may have asked on similar topics.

    CSL_DEV_REGS in the soc.h header file is correct. It should be 0x02A80000 because that is the base address of the Device Configuration Registers. It would have a different label if it was supposed to be the address of the JTAGID register.

    Why do you want to read the JTAGID register? This is not very common.

    Please see the C6455 CSL API Reference Guide section 1.5 Register Layer to learn more about the intended use of these constants. In this case DEV is the module name.

    There are several examples in the csl_c6455 folder that show the use of the CSL_DEV_REGS constant, such as timer_example.c .

    I have not compiled a list of specific Wiki pages for this topic, but please go to the TI Wiki Pages and search for topics like "C6455 CSL" and "C6455 register layer" and "C6455 register level" (no quotes needed). If you search on C645x you will get a category page of a few articles. Also, search for "C6000 Workshop" (no quotes) to find some useful training material you can go through on your own.



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