Can the termination resistors be removed if following topology is used?
4 Memory chips:
2 chips for DDR0 (same PCB position, one chip on the TOP, one chip on the BOTTOM)
- one chip for DDR0 Data 0-15;
- second chip for DDR0 Data 16-31;
- DDR0 Control / Command / Clocks connected by T branch just under the memory chips
2 chips for DDR1 (same PCB position, one chip on the TOP, one chip on the BOTTOM)
- one chip for DDR1 Data 0-15;
- second chip for DDR1 Data 16-31;
- DDR1 Control / Command / Clocks connected by T branch just under the memory chips
This topology is supported by Freescale chips for DDR3 - Is it supported by C6A816x too?
Thank you,
- Robert