How should I interface and communicate an alphanumeric LCD display with the DSK?
Also, From my understanding, the LCD pins are connected to that of the DSK via these points:
LCD pin number Name DSK (EMIF) J4 pin connection
1 Vss Gnd
2 Vdd +5V
3 Vee Gnd
4 RS ED31
5 R/W ED30
6 E ED29
7 D0 ED0
8 D1 ED1
9 D2 ED2
10 D3 ED3
11 D4 ED4
12 D5 ED5
13 D6 ED6
14 D7 ED7
Do they just physically connect to each other via wires? I read some where that I may require a daughtercard and a microcontroller to be able communicate with the LCD. Could someone explain this more?