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code on both cores said:ARM code:#define DSP_ON 1#define DSP_OFF 2int PSC_DSP_action = DSP_OFF;///*while(1){/*delay for 5ms; if the off-on operations both succeeded, we are expecting tosee current down-up cycles of which each phase is 5 seconds' long*/USTIMER_delay(5000000);PSC_DSP_action = (PSC_DSP_action==DSP_OFF)?DSP_ON:DSP_OFF;if (PSC_DSP_action==DSP_OFF){//next stateHWREG(0x01c10a3c/*PSC0.MDCTL15*/)= (HWREG(0x01c10a3c) & (~0x07/*0x3f*/)) | 0x02;//cause PSC to evaluate next stateHWREG(0x01c10120/*PSC0.PTCMD*/)= (HWREG(0x01c10120) & (~0x03)) | 0x02;//PSC0_PTSTAT: poll for transition's completionwhile((HWREG(0x01c10128/*PSC0.PTSTAT*/) & 0x00000002)!=0/*0x00000002*/);//check module statuswhile((HWREG(0x01c1083c/*PSC0.MDSTAT15*/) & 0x0000001f)!=0x00000002);}else if (PSC_DSP_action==DSP_ON){HWREG(0x01c10a3c)= (HWREG(0x01c10a3c) & (~0x07/*0x3f*/)) | 0x03;HWREG(0x01c10120)= (HWREG(0x01c10120) & (~0x03)) | 0x02;while((HWREG(0x01c10128) & 0x00000002)!=0/*0x00000002*/);while((HWREG(0x01c1083c) & 0x0000001f)!=0x00000003);/*CHIPINT2 interrupt to wake DSP up*/HWREG(/*0x01c14174*/SOC_SYSCFG_0_REGS + SYSCFG0_CHIPSIG) = 0x00000004;}}DSP code:void main(void) {IntReset(); //?IntDSPINTCInit()IntRegister(6,wake_DSP_IPC);IntEventMap(6,SYS_INT_SYSCFG_CHIPINT2);IntRegister(7,PDC_int);IntEventMap(7,SYS_INT_PDC_INT);IntEnable(7);IntEnable(6);IntGlobalEnable();while(1);}void PDC_int(){static int i=0;printf("DSP sleep # %d\n\n",i++);//display a message at each sleep#define PDCCMD (0x01810000)IntEventClear(SYS_INT_PDC_INT);IntGlobalEnable();//set DSP core GIE to enable wake up interruptHWREG(PDCCMD)=0x00015555;asm(" IDLE");}void wake_DSP_IPC(){static int i=0;printf("DSP wake-up # %d\n\n",i++);//display a message at each waking-upHWREG(SOC_SYSCFG_0_REGS + SYSCFG0_CHIPSIG_CLR) |= (0x00000004);IntEventClear(SYS_INT_SYSCFG_CHIPINT2);}
1. DSP core halts with C$$EXIT message (screenshot).
2. DSP core doesn’t halt, but cannot cycle through on-off cycles. The printf() messages at sleep and wake-up interrupt only show up once for each.
3. SD emulator lost connection to both cores, although we only put DSP into sleep (screenshot).