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when I used am335x StarterKit,The board have two Mac,when i Set they to the same network segment,for example:one IP address was setted to,the other one was setted to,they couldn't work;If they Set to the different network segment,they could work well; why?
Hi Dapan,
I unfortunately can't give any immediate insight into your issue. But just as an FYI I am going to delete your other repeat threads that you may have created by accident.
A few questions:
1) What OS/software are using? What version?
2) Would you mind explaining in a little more detail what functionality you are trying to implement? Could you explain what you mean by 'work well'?
I assume the two Ethernet ports on the StraterKit are configured as an Ethernet switch. You should never connect two ports of an Ethernet switch to the same network because it creates a loop.
You need to configure the two Ethernet ports to operate in dual MAC mode if you want to connect them to the same network.
1.I used linux-3.2.0-psp04.06.00.08;
2.When I configed like this:ifconfig eth0; ifconfig eth0; I could ping eth0 and eth1 from PC at the same time;
But if I configed like :ifconfig eth0; ifconfig eth0; They IP address at the same network segment, I couldn't ping eth0 and eth1 from PC at the same time.
3. I refer to "" to config as Dual Standalone EMAC mode.
Can't say I fully understand the networking details but I was able to confirm Paul's statement (and your 2. above) on my Starter Kit by connecting the 2nd Ethernet port (eth1) to an external (Belkin) router that obviously has a different subnet. They key on the Matrix GUI was to pick the "eth1 enable" icon that does the following.
echo "-------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "Enable eth1 "
echo "-------------------------------------------------------------"
echo ""
# ifup eth1 - this fails under matrix
ifconfig eth1 up
sleep 1
udhcpc -i eth1
echo ""
To do NAT (we jokingly call it "IP Phone" mode if you only have 1 Ethernet drop in your cube), I connected 2 laptops through the Starter Kit i.e.
lab laptop <->[Starter Kit Eth1 Starter Kit Eth0]<->main laptop
After selecting the "et1_eth0 nat" icon on the Matrix GUI icon that does the following
echo "-------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "Enable eth1 to eth0 nat "
echo "-------------------------------------------------------------"
echo ""
echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
ifconfig eth1 up
udhcpd /etc/udhcpd_eth1.conf
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
echo ""
I was able to ping the lab laptop from the main laptop and vice-versa.
I can dig up logs if that helps any. Also besides the Wiki links yoyu provided, there is some documentation in Chap 14 of AM335x_TRM_spruh73f.pdf.
Dapan Sun
In Linux both the Ethernet must be connected to different domains as Linux Network uses routing for forwarding the packets. Please refer below FAQ for reference
Mugunthan V N