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Running the AM335x EVM with standalone Base Board (without Daughter Board)


I have three AM335x EVM which I'm using as a starting point for a custom AM335x design.  I would like to operate the AM335x base board disconnected from the daughter board and LCD.  I have unplugged the daughter board.  However, the base board doesn't run any more (i.e. no serial output from UART0).  I expect to see "CCCC" come out of UART0 when I power up the base board (from the ROM loader), but I see nothing.  Any suggestions?

  • Hi John,
    If you check the base and daugther board schematics, there is a power supply named V3_3D, which comes back from the daugther board. What you can do is populate R68 in the base board with a 0Ohm resistor, then V3_3D will be derived directly from PMIC supply VAUX2. Only make sure to remove R68 if/before you plug the daugther board back.
    Best Regards
  • While running the base board alone is not officially supported, the R472 and R68 were placed to allow testing of the base board alone.  If you place a zero ohm resistor on R472 (for V1_8D) and a zero ohm resistor on R68 (for V3_3D), the base board will operate without the daughterboard and LCD board.

  • I've placed R472 and R68 and the base board is working fine now as a stand alone board.  Thanks for the excellent tech support!