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HDMI problem! - 4AI.1.7 Release


We faced a problem about the HDMI output, it not fix with resolution of HDMI TV (over of HDMI TV resolution,we can see the screen but can not see something in 4 edges of screen) and no audio output to HDMI TV.

Please see the attached file for details.




  • Duy,

    Can you give me more information about your set up? Specifically what software, what release. How are you trying to use HDMI? Is this Android or GLP? Can you identify the monitor?


  • Hi Matt Kiser,

    Thanks for your supports.

    At this moment i fixed the HDMI display by config HDMI TV resolution, but the HDMI audio still do not work.

    i'm using release.

    Thanks and Best Regards,


  • Hi Duy,

    Are you using the prebuild binaries or your build?

    Can you provide information of the TV you are using?

    Can you confirm HDMI audio on that TV is working with any other device?

  • Hi ICe,

    Thanks. I came to 4AI.1.4 and HDMI work fine.

    However, i get new issure with videoviewm when i play video with android 4AI.1.4 and pandaboard es,

    the mouse and the mediacontroller always hide behind of videoview (like videoview is top view, i can click mouse, it can pause but i can not see pointer and mediacontroller)

    Please help me solve this problem.

    Thank you so much.



  • There are next post about this issue, they could help.

    In either case, in the first post they are requesting to check some values, these could help to debug the issue with your actual configuration.

  • Thanks Manuel Contreras

    I tried with your recomment links, but still now i cant not sovle the problem, the mouse and seekbar always be blind by VideoView.

    I think the problem is only happen with HDMI, my board is Pandaboard ES

    Please help me clearly about what and where i need to change.

    Thanks and sorry for my English.

  • Hi Duy,

    That should be because the configuration in the filesystem for the layer of the video use all the screen. Check in the properties that are set to the video view.

  • I can think in 3 action paths.

    1. If your configuration is correct and the surface you want to display is the video surface then it is correct to show it, and it is the docking mode. that should be turned of by using next commands.

    adb stop
    adb setprop persist.hwc.docking.enabled 0
    adb start

    2. In the other side, if it is correct then, you can try next post to change the order of the layers

    3.In order to reproduce the issue can you share next values using getprop to retrieve it, or do you some extra modification to HWC?


  • Thanks Manuel Contreras and ICe,

    Now i got it, I remove docking mode in hwc and it work fine.

    Thank you so much.

