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ASOC codec driver problem on ti816x

Expert 2990 points
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV320AIC32


Now I need two channel audio .So I used two tlv320aic32 codec chip,which one is connected to ti816x mcasp0,and anther is connected to ti816x mcasp1.
This is snd_soc_dai_link
static struct snd_soc_dai_link ti81xx_mcasp_dai[] = {
.name = "TLV320AIC3X0",
.stream_name = "AIC3X0",
.cpu_dai_name= "davinci-mcasp.0",
.codec_dai_name = "tlv320aic3x-hifi",
.codec_name = "tlv320aic3x-codec.1-0018",
.platform_name = "davinci-pcm-audio",
.init = ti81xx_evm_aic3x_init,
.ops = &ti81xx_evm_ops,
.name = "TLV320AIC3X",
.stream_name = "AIC3X",
.cpu_dai_name= "davinci-mcasp.1",
.codec_dai_name = "tlv320aic3x-hifi",
.codec_name = "tlv320aic3x-codec.2-0018",
.platform_name = "davinci-pcm-audio",
.init = ti81xx_evm_aic3x_init,
.ops = &ti81xx_evm_ops,
.name = "HDMI_SOC_LINK",
.stream_name = "hdmi",
.cpu_dai_name = "hdmi-dai",
.platform_name = "davinci-pcm-audio",
.codec_dai_name = "HDMI-DAI-CODEC", /* DAI name */
.codec_name = "hdmi-dummy-codec",

When the kernel is loaded.It will have some problem,it is the dmesg

asoc: tlv320aic3x-hifi <-> davinci-mcasp.0 mapping ok

tlv320aic3x-codec 2-0018: tlv320aic3x-codec.2-0018: Failed to add PCM Playback Volume: -16
asoc: failed to add dapm kcontrol Right HPCOM Mixer Line2L Bypass Switch: -16
asoc: failed to add dapm kcontrol Left HPCOM Mixer Line2L Bypass Switch: -16
asoc: failed to add dapm kcontrol Right HP Mixer Line2L Bypass Switch: -16
asoc: failed to add dapm kcontrol Left HP Mixer Line2L Bypass Switch: -16
asoc: failed to add dapm kcontrol Mono Mixer Line2L Bypass Switch: -16
asoc: failed to add dapm kcontrol Right Line Mixer Line2L Bypass Switch: -16
asoc: failed to add dapm kcontrol Left Line Mixer Line2L Bypass Switch: -16
asoc: failed to add kcontrol Right Line2R Mux
asoc: failed to add kcontrol Right Line1R Mux
asoc: failed to add kcontrol Right Line1L Mux
asoc: failed to add dapm kcontrol Right PGA Mixer Line1R Switch: -16
asoc: failed to add kcontrol Left Line2L Mux
asoc: failed to add kcontrol Left Line1R Mux
asoc: failed to add kcontrol Left Line1L Mux
asoc: failed to add dapm kcontrol Left PGA Mixer Line1L Switch: -16
asoc: failed to add kcontrol Right HPCOM Mux
asoc: failed to add kcontrol Right DAC Mux
asoc: failed to add kcontrol Left HPCOM Mux
asoc: failed to add kcontrol Left DAC Mux
asoc: tlv320aic3x-hifi <-> davinci-mcasp.1 mapping ok
asoc: HDMI-DAI-CODEC <-> hdmi-dai mapping ok

This is my audio card device file.
root@dm816x:~# ls -l /dev/snd/
/dev/snd/controlC0 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p /dev/snd/pcmC0D1p /dev/snd/timer
/dev/snd/pcmC0D0c /dev/snd/pcmC0D1c /dev/snd/pcmC0D2p

Now the two audio channel can work.But I don't know the what is the failed message and how to remove


  • I have opened the debug info

    which is the detailed info

    ALSA sound/core/control.c:345: control 2:0:0:Right HPCOM Mixer Line2L Bypass Switch:0 is already present
    asoc: failed to add dapm kcontrol Right HPCOM Mixer Line2L Bypass Switch: -16
    ALSA sound/core/control.c:345: control 2:0:0:Left HPCOM Mixer Line2L Bypass Switch:0 is already present
    asoc: failed to add dapm kcontrol Left HPCOM Mixer Line2L Bypass Switch: -16
    ALSA sound/core/control.c:345: control 2:0:0:Right HP Mixer Line2L Bypass Switch:0 is already present
    asoc: failed to add dapm kcontrol Right HP Mixer Line2L Bypass Switch: -16
    ALSA sound/core/control.c:345: control 2:0:0:Left HP Mixer Line2L Bypass Switch:0 is already present
    asoc: failed to add dapm kcontrol Left HP Mixer Line2L Bypass Switch: -16
    ALSA sound/core/control.c:345: control 2:0:0:Mono Mixer Line2L Bypass Switch:0 is already present
    asoc: failed to add dapm kcontrol Mono Mixer Line2L Bypass Switch: -16

    who can help me to analysis the problem


  • Hi Quan,

    Are you using EZSDK Are you planning to use I2C0 to control/configure the tlv320aic32 codec chips?

    Please check the below links, might be in help:



  • Hi Quote

    I am using DVRRDK3.0.
    The mcasp0 connected to the tlv320aic32 which is controled by I2C0

    The mcasp1 connected to anther tlv320aic32 which is controled by I2C1

    When I configured  any channel alone to capture and playback audio ,It can works.

    However when I configured the two channel, the kernel would have the above failure .

    This is the struct snd_soc_dai_link

    static struct snd_soc_dai_link ti81xx_mcasp_dai[] = {
    #if 1  
      .name = "TLV320AIC3X0",
      .stream_name = "AIC3X0",
      .cpu_dai_name= "davinci-mcasp.0",
      .codec_dai_name = "tlv320aic3x-hifi",
      .codec_name = "tlv320aic3x-codec.1-0018",
      .platform_name = "davinci-pcm-audio",
      .init = ti81xx_evm_aic3x_init,
      .ops = &ti81xx_evm_ops,
    #if 1
      .name = "TLV320AIC3X",
      .stream_name = "AIC3X",
      .cpu_dai_name= "davinci-mcasp.1",
      .codec_dai_name = "tlv320aic3x-hifi",
      .codec_name = "tlv320aic3x-codec.2-0018",
      .platform_name = "davinci-pcm-audio",
      .init = ti81xx_evm_aic3x_init,
      .ops = &ti81xx_evm_ops,

  • Hi ,

    I met the same problem. Could you give me some clues?

    Thank you!



  • Hi Steven,

          I haven't faced the problem but I saw that   is making progress with it, maybe you can get some good comments from him;)


  • Hello,

    I have the same issue.
    Did anyone reolve it.
    Can you give a hint ?

  • Hi Ran,

    Please upgrade the ASOC driver in kernel version v2.6.37 to newer...

    Refer to the following link for more information

    DVRRDK kernel git repository:
    ASoC related patchs:;a=summary

    The related patch is ASoc-Add-optional-name_prefix-for-codec-kcontrol.patch


  • Hi Steven,

    Thank you very much !
    I currently have 2 devices in same card.
    I thought that if I seperate each to have its own card, it might also resolve this issue.
    What do you think of it as an alternative ? Will using 2 cards each with one device can reolve this problem ?

    Thank you very much!
  • Hi Ran,
    Hi Ran,
    Yes, I think it will be resolve to seperate each to have its own card. but I dont tried...
    There are three codecs in one card in my usecase.
    Add name_prefix for codec kcontrol patch solve the kcontrol failed issue.

  • Hi Stevens,

    Can you please share the /sound/soc/davince/ti81xx-evm.c that you changed according to patch ?
