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DM8127 I2C detect

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS62355, TPS65911


I have a DM8127 board from Appro , IPNC RDK 3.0,  I can boot the board successfully .

But when I run "i2cdetect -l" , I only see three device on i2c-1 bus, the device is tps65911,tps62355 and aic3104, I know this three device is on i2c[0] bus, and mt9j003 is on i2c[1] bus , Now I want to know weather I can see mt9j003 register values in ARM side by using command i2cdump?. Is mt9j003 controled by M3 core and cannot be detected in ARM side?

Can someone help me?Thanks!

  • Hi yang,


    Yes, I2c-1 is available on M3, why do you need to know the register settings?




  • Thanks for your quick reply.

    I have a costom board , which have SN65LVDS324 on the same bus with mt9j003 , I want to config the SN65LVDS324 through a script like below on ARM side.

    i2cset -f -y  0x2d 0x09 0x34

     i2cset -f -y  0x2d 0x0A 0x60

     i2cset -f -y  0x2d 0x0B 0x07

     i2cset -f -y  0x2d 0x0C 0x80

    but now it seems cannot achrive, because i2cdetect cannot find device on i2c[2] bus . Is there any way to let ARM config LVDS324?