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have new power solution for 6678?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCD7242, UCD9222, LM10011, LM10010, UCD74111, TPS56121, LM27402, CSD87351Q5D

dose ti issue new power solution for 6678, the old power solution(ucd7242+ucd9222)is too complex and unstable。


  • The UCD9222 is a digital power supply controller used to support the SmartReflex core voltage for the C6678. An analog supply solution can be found at the following link.

    This solution uses the LM10011 to connect with the VCNTL interface of the C6678. The IDAC_OUT of the LM10011 is connected to the feedback node of a DC/DC converter. This allows the C6678 to set the output voltage to the level needed by that particular part.  Note that the information in the link refers to the LM10010. Please use the LM10011 instead of the LM10010. The LM10011 the latest version of the part. 

    Please review all the application information for the power supply solutions carefully and follow all design and routing requirements. The power supply must meet all noise and switching requirements for the proper operation of the C6678. 

    Regards, Bill

  • We would like to know more about the issues you have with the UCD9222 and the UCD7242.  The UCD7242 is known to be limited to 10A when the channels are used separately and high performance C6678 applications exceed this limit.  The UCD74111 is the recommended replacement power stage that supports the full range of CVDD load currents for the C6678.

    The digital power solutions are full-featured and support simple control loop optimization and monitoring of output voltage and current through the PMBus interface.  The analog solution mentioned above by Bill is equally valid.  The LM10011 VID DAC device can be used with any analog power controller like the TPS56121 to produce the required Smart Reflex CVDD supply voltage.



  • firstly,thank bill and tom for your  detailed  answers!!

    the further question:  

    (1)what 's the performance difference between  the digital power solutions(ucd9222+ucd7242/UCD74111 ) and   the analog solution(lm10011 +tps56121)? in my opionion, the analog solution is more simple,Does that mean I should choose the analog solution.

    (2) for the analog solution,  ti's website give lm10011+tps56121 soution。Through ti's other channels,I get another solution lm10011+LM27402+CSD87351Q5D(mosfet),can you tell me which solution is more stable?



  • Gongyan,

    The solutions are equally valid.  I am not familair with the LM27402+CSD87351Q5D solution but as long as it supplies sufficient current for your design then it is also acceptable.  You need to determine which features best meet your overall design needs.  You are basically comparing a digial control solution to an analog control solution with internal FETs to an analog control solution using external FETs.  They all have unique stengths and features.  You will need to determine which one meets your needs.
