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I've already posted my problem in the Code Composer forum, but no one couldn't help me.
Now I'trying to get an answer in this forum.
I didn't work with TI until now. I'm trying to flash the AM3359 ICE board to blink the ethercat leds (RGB led). For that I have to set the right GPIOs.
It worked well with one color, but if i added a configuration for another led, I couldn't debug and it showed me the error below:
I reinstalled CCS with the hope for improvement, but now it didn't work with one led either. It shows me same error as above.
Does anyone have an idea???
I didn't expect it would be that complicated....
Kind regards,
Don't know why it didn't attach my pictures, so here again in text:
CortxA8: Trouble Removing Breakpoint with the Action "Finish Auto Run" at 0x40301274: (Error -1066 @ 0x3332) Unable to set requested breakpoint in memory. Verify that the breakpoint address is in writable memory. (Emulation package
And the Disassembly:
=>403080e4: EAFFFFFE B 0x403080E4
In the Code Composer Studio they told me to ask my question here.... ;-)
again it is very difficult to help you with limited information. Here it is not clear what you are doing when the error occurs. You wrote 'trying to flash'. Does that mean you write the application to SPI flash using the supplied tools?
Did you test the changed application using normal debug first?
sorry about my expression, I meant I debug it out of CCS.
What do you mean with supplied tools?
now debugging Am335x using CCS does require a few steps to follow or you might see issues.
- use the supplied GEL files and make sure they are executed
- I always do a CPU Reset(HW) before I load the code
- using and loading the supplied examples you should then see the code stop at main()
- if not your system is somehow screwed
- for own code there could be many reasons why it doesn't get to main(). Sys/Bios adds code that is executed before main().
- changing pin-mux and driving GPIO (eg for LEDs) requires a good knowledge of the hardware (schematics of ICE are on web) because there might side effects
Hey Frank,
- my gel file is chosen in initialization script: TMDXICE3359.gel
- I always reset the board
- I use the example "gpio_backlight" of starterware, just changed to the right pin I looked up in the schematics (ethercat led 5b, red, GPIO0 pin 17)
- and note: it worked already for every single led (red, green and blue..) and didn't work for all 3 together, but now after reinstallation not even one single led works
Best regards and thanks for your effort until now
the examples in the starterware folder are not tested to work with ICE. Only the examples in the main SDK folder are.
I assume you need to adapt the starterware example to make it work correctly. You need to adapt pin-mux and other initialisation probably. Also the colored LEDs are not single LEDs but combined ones. So if you enable RED, GREEN and BLUE you see WHITE. This works with our examples and the code we provide in IA-SDK.