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Dear Sir,
We met an question about DUCATI4.1.1. Because it's a little urgent, so we would be grateful if you could attend to this matter as soon as possible,thanks.
Our environment is based on Android4.1.1 ,OMAP4460 and Ducati 4.1.1. And our question is, our ducati works fine with 1GB ram but meet some trouble if change some memory section. We do some experiments as below and please tell us where we miss if you can, thanks.
I/kernel ( 284): [ 0.000000] omap4_total_ram_size = 0x40000000
I/kernel ( 284): [ 0.000000] omap4_smc_size = 0x300000
I/kernel ( 284): [ 0.000000] omap4_ion_heap_secure_input_size = 0x5a00000
I/kernel ( 284): [ 0.000000] omap4_ion_heap_secure_output_wfdhdcp_size = 0x1000000
I/kernel ( 284): [ 0.000000] omap4_ducati_heap_size = 0x6b00000
I/kernel ( 284): [ 0.000000] omap4_ion_heap_tiler_mem_size = 0x5580000
I/kernel ( 284): [ 0.000000] omap4_ion_heap_nonsec_tiler_mem_size = 0xc80000
I/kernel ( 284): [ 0.000000] omap4_ram_console_mem_size = 0x200000
I/kernel ( 284): [ 0.000000] omap4_smc_addr = 0xbfd00000
I/kernel ( 284): [ 0.000000] omap4_ion_heap_secure_input_addr = 0xb9300000
I/kernel ( 284): [ 0.000000] omap4_ion_heap_secure_output_wfdhdcp_addr = 0xbed00000
I/kernel ( 284): [ 0.000000] omap4_ducati_heap_addr = 0xb2800000
I/kernel ( 284): [ 0.000000] omap4_ion_heap_tiler_mem_addr = 0xad280000
I/kernel ( 284): [ 0.000000] omap4_ion_heap_nonsec_tiler_mem_addr = 0xac600000
I/kernel ( 284): [ 0.000000] omap4_ram_console_mem_addr = 0xac400000
Camera is working fine in this case.
I/kernel ( 278): [ 0.000000] omap4_total_ram_size = 0x40000000
I/kernel ( 278): [ 0.000000] omap4_smc_size = 0x300000
I/kernel ( 278): [ 0.000000] omap4_ion_heap_secure_input_size = 0x5a00000
I/kernel ( 278): [ 0.000000] omap4_ion_heap_secure_output_wfdhdcp_size = 0x1000000
I/kernel ( 278): [ 0.000000] omap4_ducati_heap_size = 0x6b00000
I/kernel ( 278): [ 0.000000] omap4_ion_heap_tiler_mem_size = 0x5580000
I/kernel ( 278): [ 0.000000] omap4_ion_heap_nonsec_tiler_mem_size = 0xc80000
I/kernel ( 278): [ 0.000000] omap4_ram_console_mem_size = 0x200000
I/kernel ( 278): [ 0.000000]omap4_smc_addr = 0xbfd00000
I/kernel ( 278): [ 0.000000] omap4_ion_heap_secure_output_wfdhdcp_addr = 0xbed00000
I/kernel ( 278): [ 0.000000] omap4_ion_heap_secure_input_addr = 0xb9300000
I/kernel ( 278): [ 0.000000] omap4_ducati_heap_addr = 0xb2800000
I/kernel ( 278): [ 0.000000] omap4_ion_heap_tiler_mem_addr = 0xad280000
I/kernel ( 278): [ 0.000000] omap4_ion_heap_nonsec_tiler_mem_addr = 0xac600000
I/kernel ( 278): [ 0.000000] omap4_ram_console_mem_addr = 0xac4
Obviously, these two sections are exchanged.
By the way, we refer to the website -
To correct the corresponding memory address in Ducati. The following expressions are we correct in /syslink_src/src/ti/resources/IpcMemory.xdt
#define PHYS_MEM_IOBUFS 0xB9300000
#define PHYS_MEM_IOBUFS_WFD 0xBED00000
and their order in resource table. So we can find the following info after we build ducati.
patching address 0x9f0f02d8
resource: 1, da: 0x60000000, pa: 0x60000000, len: 0x10000000, name: IPU_TILER_MODE_0_1
found M/I/D/S resource, nothing to do
resource: 1, da: 0x70000000, pa: 0x70000000, len: 0x 8000000, name: IPU_TILER_MODE_2
found M/I/D/S resource, nothing to do
resource: 1, da: 0x78000000, pa: 0x78000000, len: 0x 8000000, name: IPU_TILER_MODE_3
found M/I/D/S resource, nothing to do
resource: 1, da: 0xaa000000, pa: 0x4a000000, len: 0x 1000000, name: IPU_PERIPHERAL_L4CFG
found M/I/D/S resource, nothing to do
resource: 1, da: 0xa8000000, pa: 0x48000000, len: 0x 1000000, name: IPU_PERIPHERAL_L4PER
found M/I/D/S resource, nothing to do
resource: 1, da: 0xae000000, pa: 0x4e000000, len: 0x 100000, name: IPU_PERIPHERAL_DMM
found M/I/D/S resource, nothing to do
resource: 1, da: 0xba000000, pa: 0x5a000000, len: 0x 1000000, name: IPU_IVAHD_CONFIG
found M/I/D/S resource, nothing to do
resource: 1, da: 0xbb000000, pa: 0x5b000000, len: 0x 1000000, name: IPU_IVAHD_SL2
found M/I/D/S resource, nothing to do
resource: 0, da: 0xa0000000, pa: 0xb2800000, len: 0x 100000, name: IPU_MEM_IPC_VRING
found M/I/D/S resource, nothing to do
resource: 0, da: 0x9f000000, pa: 0xb2900000, len: 0x 100000, name: IPU_MEM_IPC_DATA
found M/I/D/S resource, nothing to do
resource: 0, da: 0x0, pa: 0xb2a00000, len: 0x 600000, name: IPU_MEM_TEXT
found M/I/D/S resource, nothing to do
resource: 0, da: 0x80000000, pa: 0xb3100000, len: 0x 6200000, name: IPU_MEM_DATA
found M/I/D/S resource, nothing to do
resource: 0, da: 0x88000000, pa: 0xb9300000, len: 0x 5a00000, name: IPU_MEM_IOBUFS
found M/I/D/S resource, nothing to do
resource: 0, da: 0x90000000, pa: 0xbed00000, len: 0x 800000, name: IPU_MEM_IOBUFS_WFD
found M/I/D/S resource, nothing to do
So we can say these two memory sections are exchanged.
But the camera can't work properly if the memory address is changed as below we mentioned. Please tell us if any suggestion you have, thanks. We will really appreciate your kindly help.
Technical details can not be posted in public forums. Ask a TI Representative for a application note that refers Ducati memory changes, Ducati information is shared under NDA RESTRICTIONS only.