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c6678 MAD utility and SPI NoR flash booting worked

Hi All

I just want to share our experience with Ti MAD utiltiy and SPI NoR Flash booting. In our target c6678xx multicore dsp is used and want to use Nand Flash booting method.

We developed DSP application and tested using JTAG debugger. when we try the working application to NoR flash through MAD, the flash boot is not happening. with MAD utiltity, demo examples worked in target board. since our applicaiton size is more 8MB per core and for all 8 core it comes relatively huge compared to demo bins. so we suspected the MAD utility and its memory sections and mem copy to DDR in scripts etc etc.. after so many trials and forum reading we found the issue is that SGMII init and some target specific sequence init caused this. after correcting it we able to boot from NoR. So our understanding is Ti MAD utility bypass prelink worked very well.  

The only point we need to understand, the application is runing through JTAG debugger and its init flow may not 100% suit for NoR booting in mulitcore. we need to be careful on accessing the shared entities and PLL and other init scripts. so make sure your code going through init sequence with out any issue with help of UART messages during NoR booting for debugging. Thanks for the forum threads on this subject.

