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C54x end of life soon?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320VC5402

While the tms320vc5402 and 5409 is not yet slated for end of life, it is no longer supported by the last CCS versions (6, 6.0.1, 6.0.2).

Yes we can still use CCS 5.4.x, but it leas us to believe that is might be close to the end of its end of life. 

Where can we see until when it will be available (is there a table of the guaranteed availability  for a product, a family?)

Anybody has any info about this?

  • Hi Serge,

    There is no planned end of life for these devices at this time. We will continue to ship them for quite some time, but they are in maintenance status from tools and software perspective so there are no current plan to move to CCS 6.x. The recommended development path is to stay on CCS 5.x.

