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How to disable DM6435's GPIO internal pull-up/down


According to the DM6435 datasheet all the GPIO's have internal pullup (IPU) or
internal pulldown (IPD). And according to my understanding the IPU/IPD are enabled by default.

Is there any way to disable the IPU/IPD? or do we have any GPIO which could be set as Hi-Z?

In our application we need to use GPIOs (EMAC pins) control some LED's after reset
and later change it to EMAC pins.
But as per the datasheet IPU/IPD seems to be fixed and cannot be modified through software.

Please let us know if there is any way to change the GPIO state (Pullup/pulldown/Hi-Z).

Best Regards

  • Hi Kummi,
    I'm not seeing any issue here, whether it is pull up or pull down, you can drive that GPIO right ?
    Did you connect any LED for that GPIO ?
    But you said that was also connected to EMAC.
    Pinmux to GPIO pins and drive low or high as per the pull up or pull down for toggling the LED.

    If its not answering your question, can you please elaborate a bit on your problem ?
    What you have tried and what you got or problem ?
  • Hi Titus,

    Thank you so much for the quick reply.

    That statement was a mistake, wanted to know if we could change the
    pin state during reset.But understood from the datasheet that we can
    modify the GPIO state only after reset.I am sorry for the confusion.

    Just in case I would like to know if there is a way to disable the
    IPU/IPD to set the GPIO in High impedance state?

    Best Regards