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Hello there!
Strange behaviour: the UART of my TMS320DM6432 runs correctly only after a soft reboot.
After powering up the DSP, nothing appears on the RS232 outputs. When I ask a reboot by calling this...
#define reboot_function ((void (*)(void))0x00100000)
...the UART starts correctly!
Did you ever see something like that?
Here is my config:
uart0DevParams.inputFreq = PSP_UART_MODULE_CLOCK; uart0DevParams.fifoEnable = TRUE; uart0DevParams.opMode = PSP_OPMODE_POLLED; uart0DevParams.loopbackEnabled = FALSE; uart0DevParams.baudRate = PSP_UART_BAUD_RATE_9_6K; uart0DevParams.stopBits = PSP_UART_NUM_STOP_BITS_1; uart0DevParams.charLen = PSP_UART_CHARLEN_8; uart0DevParams.parity = PSP_UART_PARITY_NONE; uart0DevParams.rxThreshold = PSP_UART_RX_TRIG14; uart0DevParams.fc.fcType = PSP_UART_FC_TYPE_NONE; uart0DevParams.fc.fcParam = PSP_UART_FC_NONE;