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I have some question for IVA system of AM5728. Please see the below.
1) According to the TRM chapter 6 IVA subsystem, it is written as the below.
The IVA-HD subsystem is a set of video encoder and decoder hardware accelerators. The
list of supported codecs can be found in the software development kit (SDK) documentation.
Can I get this SDK? Is it Linux SDK?
2) bit of CM_CLKMODE_DPLL_IVA register : 10bit[DPLL_LPMODE_EN] - Low Power mode of the DPLL is disabled
Is this Low power mode same as Low power stop in Table 3-45 DPLL Power Modes?
3) bit of CM_CLKMODE_DPLL_IVA register :2:0 bit[DPLL_EN] - Put the DPLL in Idle Bypass Low Power mode
Is this "Put the DPLL in Idle Bypass Low Power mode" same as Low power bypass in Table 3-45?
4) If DPLL_EN(2:0) bits are 0x5, IVA_GCLK is stopped becuase CLKOUT_M2(Figure 3-59 DPLL_IVA Overview) is stopped. Is my understanding right?
Please advise me.
I appreciate your quick reply.
Best regards,