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XTCIEVMK2LX: Stellaris

Part Number: XTCIEVMK2LX


I am using  XTCIEVMK2LX...bmc in this evm is implemented in stellaris lm32sd93....

I am able to update bmc firmware using bootloader uart0 port....

I am using ccs 5.1 environment....

I was trying to get access to bmc uC via jtag ...for this i make use of segger jlink ... connector aim was to update bmc firmware and understand bmc sequence of operation.....

Source code for bmc available with einfochip ... i could compile the code in ccs but unable to dump outfile via jtag...

I could connect to target....view registers and memory but whenever i try to download code via jtag  it doesnot happen...default bmc firmware always get executed....i tried erasing the code via jlink commander and could erase the flash....but couldnot update the code via ccs debug environment...though the debugger doesnt throw any error the start location addr points beyond flash/rom addr range....

I checked bootcfg reg which seems to have dbg1 '1' and dbg0 '0'...which i suppose would not disable debug access....

What could be the issue??....hw to debug this