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RTOS/XTCIEVMK2LX: FFTC Example for Multiple Cores

Part Number: XTCIEVMK2LX

Tool/software: TI-RTOS


I have been working on my own project using the FFT Co-Processor and have been using the "fftcMCK2LC66BiosExampleProject" that shipped in the PDK with Processor SDK 4.0. Since I would like to run different code on each core on the chip, I thought that making multiple build configurations with the code for other cores excluded from each build configuration. Upon simply copying the contents of the "multicore.c" file (which contains all of the code) into a seperate file and building a seperate .out file off of each identical c file, the example will no longer work on the chip. When the code reaches fftc_setup() and attempts to Initialize a free descriptor queue for the fftc only one core is able to do so and the other fails with error -3. 

[Core0] Free descriptor queue 0 successfully setup.  Descriptors allocated of type (8391260): -3

[Core1] Error initializing Free Descriptors of type: 0 in region 8391260, Error -3

Is there something special I will need to do in order to set up QMSS or CPPI correctly since I am using 2 separate builds? It looks like each core is trying to use a different region for each queue. 

Thanks so much!