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CCS/TMS320VC5510A: How to configure the stack mode for C55x with GEL?

Part Number: TMS320VC5510A

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


The C55x has two stack mode, fast and slow.

Normally, set the mode with assembly, ".ivec _c_int00,USE_RETA"

But, if we debug code with CCS in RAM. The statement won't execute. So how to set stack mode with GEL file? By set registers?


  • Hi,

    We're looking into this. Please share which csl & ccs versions are you using?

    Best Regards,
  • I using CCS 7.1.
    csl is for tms320vc5510a
  • Hi,

    I do not believe it is possible to call ".ivec _c_int00,USE_RETA" from the GEL file. Also I could not find any register that controls stack mode. You can change IVPH and IVPL to point to a different interrupt vector table...

    I see that the CSL examples include their own vector table, and link to it from the .CMD file. CSL here:

    See C55xxCSL\examples\evm5510\csl\mcbsp\mcbsp1\vectors_mcbsp1.s55 and C55xxCSL\examples\evm5510\csl\mcbsp\mcbsp1\mcbsp1.cmd

    Are you able to change .ivec _c_int00,c54x_stk to .ivec _c_int00,USE_RETA in the CSL build and have it take effect when the program is loaded?

    Or does it only the stack mode only take effect the first time that the reset vector is entered? Are you using the bootloader (What is MPNMC)? The bootloader requires a vector table and will choose a stack mode there.

    I will ask for additional help from software experts.

  • The only way to change the stack mode is to create a vector table with the desired stack mode, install it in IVPH/IVPL, and execute a soft reset. You'll need a GEL method to execute a soft reset; I don't know what it would be called.