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CCS/AM4378: Application build

Part Number: AM4378

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


I have installed Code Composer Studio, Processor SDK and Processor SDK RTOS.

I was able to compile a sample with SDK RTOS but I am not able to compile with processor SDK.

Basically I want to use V4L2 api in order to use the camera.

What I need to do in order to compile apps with the SDK and then run on the EVM ?

Best regards,


  • The RTOS team have been notified. They will respond here.
  • Hi,

    Can you clarify what Processor SDK RTOS release and what application you tried to build? And what is the CCS version and toolset version? The Processor SDK RTOS doesn't support camera on AM437x, maybe you used some starterware package?

    Regards, Eric
  • Any update?

    Regards, Eric
  • Hi Eric,

    SDK RTOS version is 05_00_00_15.

    CCS version is

    I entered to this EVM using minicom terminal and created a symnlink to the camera (/dev/video0). This made work the camera example on the EVM.

    I know that creating an application using video4linux library. will work on the EVM.  I am compiling using the terminal and firstly running environement_setup script.

    The thing is I need to debug this app directly on the EVM with CCS. But I am not able to set up all libraries and compiler with CCS.

    Best regards,


  • Hi,

    Sorry, I still don't understand what you are trying to do. "SDK RTOS version is 05_00_00_15."=======> this is Linux SDK or Processor SDK RTOS? Looks to be RTOS but we don't have video driver inside RTOS package.

    Also you mentioned video4linux, this is clearly a Linux driver. It looks that you want to use this Linux library + other libraries and write a CCS example and debug that on EVM. But for me, it looks that you want to compile all the source code for the libraries + application using the toolchain for RTOS: gcc-arm-none-eabi-6-2017-q1.

    I am not sure if this is the right way to debug. You may use GDB or printf to debug a Linux application under Linux.

    Regards, Eric