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Hello Everyone,
I. Here we are using AM4378 custom board As our customer is trying for an application accordingly we he need some packages of latest version so we builded those libraries using bit-bake method & supplied to them. Later in need to their application they asked us to provide some more libraries where i am facing a problem to build them using bit-bake since those receipies are not showing in the bit-bake list.
The libraries which i am trying to build is:
Some where i saw blog where i found pjsip kind of libraries are to be cross-compiled and need to add the cross-compiled libraries to qt application.
But anywhere i didn't fount any universal procedure to do this.
Can someone help in understanding about these libraries and how to use these in qt application so it will work for am437x board.
II.Also a small is video streaming (live video play in video calling application) supported for AM4378 based board?
Please some one kindly help me in understanding these concepts.
Thanking You,
I'm sorry, but customizing the Linux filesystem is beyond the scope of support TI can provide. It seems you are on the right path in looking into the individual libraries and how to pull them into your build. Unfortunately, due to he nature of open source software and all the different libraries, development approaches, and licensing used, I don't believe you will find a "universal" guide. Particularly if there are not yocto recipes available for these packages.
We use gstreamer for video playback in our SDK. That is the best example that I can point you two of a video playback application. You will need to build something more complicated on top of this or pull in a different package to do what you need in your application.
I hope this is helpful to you. Maybe you will get some further feedback from the community.
Thank you RonB for your reply,
So if no universal procedure is there for building the above mentioned libraries can you share me any individual procedure to follow to build PJSIP,SDL,OPENH264 packages for for qt application for am437x custom board.
If building not at all possible can you share me a detailed procedure how to cross compile these source packages downloaded from net to arm board. I am using SDK04.02 PSDK. I also downloaded linaro-toolchain for cross compiling purpose. But i am getting errors[when i started cross compiling pjsip].
So can you share me about this if possible along with pjsip also for sdl,openh264.
Any sort of help is helpful.
Prior Thanks to every one..
Hi Everyone,
Finally i found a way to cross-compile a package individually and yes it created a cross compiled builded folder successfully for package.
But i am confused to use this since only usr folder is created Also i didn't found any ipk files in that folder.
So first i did copied all the files in to a the usr/..subfolder locations .
Is that enough for qt application to respond to SDL.
or do i have to involve it in to qt application. If that so Can someone tell me how to involve these libraries in to Qt application.
I'm sorry, we only integrate QT and do build QT applications regularly. You might find more help by posting you query to the QT community directly.
Thanks for reply Ron,
Ok i will post this in qt forum, but i want a clarification regarding whether i can copy cross-compiled packages in to rootfs for my application which dependent on packages will work or not?
If your rootfs satisfies all of the dependencies, it should be OK to copy. It may be best to use something like opkg to help manage these dependencies, if they are complex.