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TMS320VC5402: Standard serial port boot with C5402

Part Number: TMS320VC5402
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320UC5402

I have one question regarding TMS320VC5402 boot way(Standard Serial Port boot, 8bit).

My customer is trying to boot C5402 board(it is unique board) by McBSP 8bit serial boot.

But now, XF output signal is not changed from high to low after serial port initialization.
Customer's board is unique board, the parallel boot was used for this board's boot when old time. And customer modified the board from "parallel boot" to "standard serial port boot" in this time.

They use "SPRA618B TMS320VC5402 and TMS320UC5402 Bootloader" appliation report as a reference.
The board pin settings are the below.

       MP/MC=L (microcomputer mode)

       X2 CLKIN = 14.4MHz
       CKOUT = 7.2MHz(This is confirmed)

McBSP ports are not input the signal yet.


Pins setting is fixed as the above. After enough time from CLK input, the reset "RS"is released from low to high.

According to the SPRA618B, HPI boot - Serial EEPROM boot - Parallel boot is passed because the above pin settings, and the serial ports are initialized, then the XF signal is changed to low.
But, on customer's unique board, XF pin is never changed to low.

Also , EMU1/*OFF pin is pulled up through the external resister(22kohm).

As additional information, at present, the Serial EEPROM boot is working well with customer board  But customer would like to use McBSP 8bit serial boot.

Where should the customer check for solving this issue?
Please advise me.

I appreciate your quick reply.

Best regards,


  • Hi Michi,

    If you have performed all instructions described in spra618b.pdf and 'Standard serial boot Mode' not working properly I only can guess what happen with the custom board. I assume you can try to decrease the external resister from 22kohm to 10 or 7.5kohm but I can not guarantee success of this change.

    Tsvetolin Shulev
  • Tsvetolin-san,

    Thank you for your advice.

    I will request customer to change the resister from 22kohm to 10 or 7.5kohm for EMU1/*OFF pin.

    BTW please let me confirm another pin status.

    As I wrote before, EMU1/*OFF pin is pulled up through the 22kohm resister. Also EMU0, XF pin are pulled up through the 22kohom to 3.3V. Are these pins no problem. Or should these pins be changed the external resister value to 10 or 7.5kohm?

    Please advise me again.

    Best regards,


  • Tsvetolin-san,

    Thank you for your continuous support.

    > If you have performed all instructions described in spra618b.pdf and 'Standard serial boot Mode' not working properly I only can guess
    > what happen with the custom board. I assume you can try to decrease the external resister from 22kohm to 10 or 7.5kohm but I can not
    > guarantee success of this change.

    Customer tried this. But the problem still exists. XF pin is remained "High".

    Also customer had pulled up XF pin by the external resistor. So customer removed the external resistor of pull up. Unfortunately, XF pin is remained "High".

    Do you have another idea for solving this problem?

    Best regards,
  • Hi Michi,

    My understanding is that the customer is able to boot from a SPI slave with Serial EEPROM Boot on McBSP1, but they are unable to boot from Standard Serial Port Boot over McBSP1 (8-bit). Will the boot source drive the BCLKR1 and BFSR1 clocks into the VC5402 McBSP1? A SPI EEPROM cannot drive these signals, so it must be another processor, right?

    Based on the flow diagram Figure 1 in SPRA618b, if XF is never going low, then the bootloader is not reaching the Standard Serial Boot Mode - it must be either stuck or tricked into booting from HPI Boot, Serial EEPROM Boot, or Parallel boot.

    What silicon revision is being used? McBSP 8-bit standard serial port boot is not supported in initial rev, but fixed in Rev B and subsequent revisions. I doubt that you have the initial revision.

    The bootloader depends on INT3 being not active. Confirm Interrupt signals are static high for at least 30 CPU cycles after reset released - a high to a low transition triggers INTn flag in IFR, and is used to choose the boot mode.

    As a debugging step, can the customer halt during boot - connect via JTAG to the target without a GEL file (to preserve state), and then check PC address and IFR register. When running the bootloader, PC should be between 000_F800 to 000_FC00.

    Serial EEPROM boot is checked before Standard serial boot in boot sequence.
    Serial EEPROM boot uses McBSP1 (8-bit) in clockstop (SPI) mode.
    Standard Serial Port Boot Modes: 8-bit uses McBSP1, 16-bit uses McBSP0
    Check for activity on McBSP0 BCLKX0/SCK and BDX0/SI pins.
    Check for activity on McBSP1 BCLKX1/SCK and BDX1/SI pins.

    The bootloader then attempts Parallel boot twice - Reads from 0xFFFF, then reads from value stored in 0xFFFF.
    The valid keyword for 8-bit boot mode is 08AAh (in two consecutive 8 bit locations),
    The valid keyword for 16-bit boot mode is 10AAh
    Check for activity on parallel port pins - especially control signals and address signals that may be driven high to address 0xFFFF.

    Note: If a parallel boot is not desired, the data pin D0 of the C5402 can be pulled high with a weak pullup resistor to avoid inadvertently booting from data or I/O space. Try this too.


  • Hello Mark-san,

    Michi-san suddenly retired, so I will ask you instead.

    Customer contacted us about VC5402's Chip Revision.

    "AE-78CE3XW G4"

    This Revision is not Initial Revision, is it?

    Best Regards,


  • Takashi-san,

    This device with marking "AE-78CE3XW G4" is Silicon Revision E.

    Refer to 1.2 Revision Identification in the Errata (

    The "AE" signifies that this is Revision E, the latest revision.