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Linux/AM4378: DSS conflict with PRU-ICSS1

Part Number: AM4378

Tool/software: Linux


I want to take use of AM4378 in my product which needs LCD and two industry Ethernet ports simultaneously. But I found DSS conflict with PRU-ICSS when which enabling two MII at the same time. I want to modify the source code to meet the requirement.

Step1: enable two MII in PRU-ICSS1 simultaneously;
Step2: enable DSS but disable DAT8-DAT15 totaling 8 Pins which act as MII signals now;
Step3: enable DSS in 8/8/8 bit mode;
Step4: swap B3-B7,G2-G7,R3-R7 totaling 16 bits to DAT0-DAT7 and DAT16-DAT23 Pins;

Though DSS configed as 8/8/8 bit mode, but actually output is 5/6/5 bit mode.

Can this way resolve the problem? If it can,which files i need to modify? thanks

  • Hi,

    This configuration won't be possible. When using both PRU MII interfaces the pins left for DSS will support only 8-bit raster mode.
  • Hi, Biser

    There is no detail description about 8-bit raster mode in the user's mannual. But the display controller have a TDM which supports multiple cycle output format, for example a 24-bit mode based on the 8-bit width(DAT0-DAT7) interface in three cycles.

    Is this the 8-bit raster mode? If it is, where can I find the timing diagram about raster mode?

    Is the pixel clock (eg.  99.9MHz)in raster mode three times of the clock(33.3MHz) in non-raster mode when cpu connects to a 800*480 LCD panel?

    How much is the max pixel clock frequency in the 8-bit raster mode?

