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TMS320DM6437Q: what's the -L product of TMS320DM6437Q?

Part Number: TMS320DM6437Q


in datasheet, there is different products for TMS320DM6437Q:-7/-6/-5/-4/-L/-Q5

but I didn't see any order information for "-L", why? is it discontinued? if "-L"can be used, is the CVDD configured as 1.05V?


  • Rob,

    the best way to read part number and interpret the variant is to check the Device Nomenclature section of the device datasheet:

    Hope this clarifies the 7/6/5/4/L variant which is the speed grade and the Q5 refers to the 500 Mhz variant of automotive grade silicon.

    For order details of the L variant of DM6437Q, I have reached out to our business team to clarify on availability.



  • in datasheet, there is no order for"-L" product, very "-L" device discontinued?

  • Hi Rob

    Were you specifically looking for a -L in the Q100? I don't think that was ever offered.

    I believe they were previously available for non Q100 and as far as we understand -L is no longer available for non Q100 also. 

    The nomenclature section in the datasheet that Rahul pointed you to , does not imply that all speed and temperature combinations are offered. 

    Let us know if you have additional questions.



  • Hi ,

    I find -L in TMS320DM6437Q, what's Q100?

  • Rob,

    Q100 refers to the temperature grade. The question from Mukul is to check if you are looking for an automotive grade (-40 C to 125C) Low power device (-L)

    DM6437 and DM6437Q seem to be using the same datasheet but not all the different variants of the commercial grade silicon are available in automotive grade.

    DM6437 which is the commercial grade may have been offered with L variant  in the past but Q automotive grade was not offered. For us to check internally with our teams we need to understand if you are looking for an automotive grade qualified part or commercial grade.Based on that information, we can confirm or deny if this is unavailable. 

