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AM5728: EtherCAT Master stack area

Guru 10235 points
Part Number: AM5728
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDEP0079

Hello, TI Experts,


Our customer sent us a question about EtherCAT-Master reference design(TIDEP0079).

They want to know how to expand stack-area for EcMaster stack.


Their understanding is as below;

   - Proper way is modifying below description in xxx.cfg file to expand stack-area for EcMaster stack.

       - BIOS.heapSize = 0x500000;



   Is this understanding correct?


We would appreciate if you tell us the recommended way of expanding stack-area for EcMaster stack.


Best regards,


  • Hi matusan,

    BIOS.heapSize = 0x500000; will increase the heap size for memory requested dynamically including the EcMaster task which is dynamically created in the application.

    You may also refer to the under EtherCAT slave protocols\ethercat_slave\ecat_appl for another approach with more detailed memory allocation for each sections:


  • Hi,

    Thank you very much for your kindness.

    I really appreciate your help.

    I understand to increase stack-area for EcMaster stack.


    Best regards,