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TDA4VM: query for TDA4 camera feature

Part Number: TDA4VM

Hi TI,

I have several questions for TDA4.
please let me know about uncertainties.

1) The description of camera shows "One 4MP camera or eight 2MP camear streams" in page "CSI_RX_IF_feature".
what is the hz for this streams ? 1x 4MP @ 60hz and 8x 2MP @ 60hz ??

2) CSI 1.3+
I saw the expression "MIPI CSI2 v1.3+, mipi CSI2 v2.0".
what is the meaning of the "MIPI CSI2 v1.3+ (plus)", is this spec version ?

3) Dependency for same time RX x2 (*)
when I wanna use 4 Lane x2.5 Gbps (full bandwidth) on 2x input, (e.g> 3840x2160 @ 50hz x2)
can I use this feature except any dependency ? or do I just use the resolution, following the datasheet,
only support one 4M image or 8x 2MP images ?


  • Hi Minwoo Song,

    Please find answers to your questions below.

    1, it all depends on the lane speed requirement for the camera, resolution bit widths.. 

    2, it support MIPI 1.3 version and few additional feature from the next revision of MIPI, that's why 1.3+ is mentioned

    3, No dependency on resolution. resolution is just an example.. 



  • Hi Brijesh,

    Thanks for your check. 

    I have additional questions for your answer: 

    1, it all depends on the lane speed requirement for the camera, resolution bit widths.. 

    -> [MW 3/17] I understand, its resolution is variable for each resolution, and 

    what is the maximum resolution and hz what TDA4 can support in below case ?  

    - 2x 4K @ ??? hz 

    - 1x 4K @ ??? hz

    - 8x 2K @ ??? hz  

    If I get the information max resolution and hz, I will be great help to implement our system. 

  • Hi Minwoo Song,

    What is the input format? Is it RAW12?



  • Hi Brijesh,

    I know input format is RAW 8bit or 10bit. 


  • Please find answers your below.

    - 2x 4K @ ??? hz 

    ==> 4096x2048x8x2x30x1.3 = 5.3Gbps, 30fps is possible.

    ==> 4096x2048x10x2x30x1.3 = 6.5Gbps, 30fps is possible.

    - 1x 4K @ ??? hz

    ===> 4096x2048x8x45x1.3 = 5.3Gbps, 45fps is possible,

    ===> 4096x2048x10x45x1.3 = 9.8Gbps, 45fps is possible,

    - 8x 2K @ ??? hz

    ===> 8192x2048x8x45x1.3 = 7.8Gbps, 45fps is possible.

    This is even just considers single instance of CSIRX, we have two instances of CSIRX.



  • Hi Brijesh,

    Very thanks for your answer. 

    I can understand the relation for resolution and bandwidth, 
