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PROCESSOR-SDK-DRA8X-TDA4X: [TDA4] TIDL test bench output mismatch between PC emulation and hardware (EVM)



We are working on TDA4, with PSDK version "psdk_rtos_auto_j7_07_00_00_11" and tidl version "tidl_j7_01_02_00_11". We have imported a tidl model and ran the inference on tidl test bench in PC emulation mode. We ran the tidl test bench on hardware(EVM) and got the output generated. The output of PC emulation is not matching with the hardware output. We generated the trace level outputs and compared between PC emulation and hardware. The differences are observed form the 81st layer of 130 layers.

What could be the reason for this difference in the outputs?

While running it on hardware(EVM) we observed some warnings,

Warning: StrideWidth 2 Stride Height 2 KernelWidth 3 Kernel Height 3 KBlocks 19
Warning: Nat C will be called

What is the reason for these warnings ?
