Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
This is in reference to the C6727 DSP, in regards to the secondary boot-loader utility
Initially this utility has been sufficient however, using the utility with a larger *.out, containing GPIO configurations, is having issues resulting in:
perl .\Scripts\utils\bin\ -i app.out -o hexAIS.asm -cfg config.cfg -cfgtype c -otype asm -bootmode tisecboot -pf 16
Not enough memory on current page for pin config, Retrying
(in cleanup) Can't call method "DESTROY" on an undefined value at /Scripts/utils/bin/../lib/ line 289 during global destruction.
The application has the required TISecondaryBoot.c integrated in the project along with the included linker.
I've seen prior post describing this, however I'm unsure if this issue has been resolved / defined.
Thank you,