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omap l138 lcdk

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OMAP-L138, OMAPL138, OMAP-L137, AM1808, AM1810


    I have purchased  OMAP L138 LCDK i am not able to perform the Procedure to Flash and boot the LCDK with the serial port method given on the link i connected the USB UART with my windows PC with teraterm the os on the SD card boots after logging in and executing the commands given which is sfh_OMAP-L138.exe -targettype OMAPL138_LCDK -flashtype NAND -p COMx -erase it gives error saying sfh_OMAP-L138.exe not found. pls help we are not able to process anything we want to use opencv library for image processing also pls help regarding how to use OPENCV library on OMAP L138 LCDK . i hv attched the error  snap shot.

  • Hi Vivek,

    First set the boot pins to UART2 boot mode from SD Card boot, then flash writer tool should be in the default directory if you installed OMAP-L138 starter ware kit or please check the local path and point to the flash writer tool.


    Open the command prompt window in your windows PC and go to the flash writer path mentioned above and place the command sfh_OMAP-L138.exe -targettype OMAPL138_LCDK -flashtype NAND -p COMx –erase

    Please make sure this command will erase all the content of the NAND flash

    Hope this helps



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  • sir

     how can i know that this command sfh_OMAP-L138.exe -targettype OMAPL138_LCDK -flashtype NAND -p COMx –erase will erase the NAND flash i have done the above process i comes like this 

    C:\ti\OMAPL138_StarterWare_1_10_04_01\tools\flash_writer>sfh_OMAP-L138.exe -targ
    ettype OMAPL138_LCDK -flashtype NAND -p COMx -erase
    TI Serial Flasher Host Program for OMAP-L138
    (C) 2011, Texas Instruments, Inc.
    Ver. 1.67


    sfh_OMAP-L138 <Command> [-targetType <Target>] [-flashType <FlashType>] [<Option
    s>] [<InputFiles]
    <Command> is required and can be one of the following:
    -erase Global erase of the flash memory device (no inpu
    t files)
    -flash_noubl Place single bootable image in the flash memory
    device (single input file)
    -flash Place a secondary user boot loader (UBL) and app
    lication image in the
    flash memory device (first input file is UBL bin
    ary, second input
    file is the binary application image)
    -flash_dsp Place a DSP secondary user boot loader (UBL), an
    ARM secondary user boot loader
    and the application image in the flash memory de
    vice (first input file is DSP
    UBL binary, the second file is ARM UBL binary, a
    nd the third input file is
    the binary application image). This is only used
    for OMAP-L137 devices.

    -targetType <Target> Specify the exact target type within the OMAP-L1
    38 family.
    <Target> One of OMAPL138, OMAPL138_LCDK, AM1808,
    AM1810, C6748, C6746, C6748_LCDK (default is OMAPL138)

    -flashType <Flash> Specify exact flash type among supported types f
    or the platform.
    <Flash> One of SPI_MEM, NAND, NOR (default is SP

    <Options> can be the following:
    -h Display this help screen.
    -v Display more verbose output returned fro
    m the target device
    -p <PortName> Use <PortName> as the serial port (e.g.
    COM2, /dev/ttyS1).
    -baud <BaudRate> Uses <BaudRate> as the serial port baud
    rate (defaults to 115200)
    -appStartAddr <Application entry point address> Speci
    fy in hex (defaults to 0xC1080000)
    -appLoadAddr <Application image load address> Specif
    y in hex (defaults to 0xC1080000)
    -appFlashBlock <Block to flash application image> Speci
    fy in decimal (default depends on device)

     why it is so i have done the UART as this

    Switches (SW1)

    Switches 1-4 on SW1 are used to set the BOOT as follows:

    Switch #UART2NAND 16MMC/SD0
    2 ON ON OFF
    3 OFF ON OFF
    4 ON ON ON

    connected the power supply  and connected the uart usb then performed the above on windows command ter minal 

  • Hi Vivek,

    Vivek said:

     how can i know that this command sfh_OMAP-L138.exe -targettype OMAPL138_LCDK -flashtype NAND -p COMx –erase will erase the NAND flash i have done the above process i comes like this

    Please use the below command to erase the NAND flash.

    sfh_OMAP-L138.exe  -targetType OMAPL138_LCDK -flashType NAND -p COMx -erase

    x ---> is the COM serial port no which you have connected your console cable to your PC.


    If i have connected your board serial console cable to windows in COM1 then (confirm by device manager)

    sfh_OMAP-L138.exe -targetType OMAPL138_LCDK -flashType NAND -p COM1 -erase

    Please let me know the results.

  • Thank u it worked

    result is like this

    C:\ti\OMAPL138_StarterWare_1_10_04_01\tools\flash_writer>sfh_OMAP-L138.exe -tar
    etType OMAPL138_LCDK -flashType NAND -p COM3 -erase
    TI Serial Flasher Host Program for OMAP-L138
    (C) 2011, Texas Instruments, Inc.
    Ver. 1.67

    [TYPE] Global erase
    [NAND Block] 1

    Attempting to connect to device COM3...
    Press any key to end this program at any time.

    (AIS Parse): Read magic word 0x41504954.
    (AIS Parse): Waiting for BOOTME... (power on or reset target now)
    (AIS Parse): BOOTME received!
    (AIS Parse): Performing Start-Word Sync...
    (AIS Parse): Performing Ping Opcode Sync...
    (AIS Parse): Processing command 0: 0x58535901.
    (AIS Parse): Performing Opcode Sync...
    (AIS Parse): Loading section...
    (AIS Parse): Loaded 13500-Byte section to address 0x80000000.
    (AIS Parse): Processing command 1: 0x58535901.
    (AIS Parse): Performing Opcode Sync...
    (AIS Parse): Loading section...
    (AIS Parse): Loaded 1440-Byte section to address 0x800034BC.
    (AIS Parse): Processing command 2: 0x58535906.
    (AIS Parse): Performing Opcode Sync...
    (AIS Parse): Performing jump and close...
    (AIS Parse): AIS complete. Jump to address 0x80000000.
    (AIS Parse): Waiting for DONE...
    (AIS Parse): Boot completed successfully.

    Waiting for SFT on the OMAP-L138...

    Erasing flash
    100% [ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ]
    Erase complete

    Operation completed successfully.


  • Hi Vivek,

    Sounds good.

    Do you have any question on this post?

    If no, Please verify this post.

  • sir,

    after reflashing the  NAND now i have another problem with my XDS100V2 emulator when i execute any programme in ccs with OMAPL138LCDK kit it generates an error while Debugging and Importing project  in ccs which is 

    error connecting to the target:
    (Error -151 @ 0x0)
    One of the FTDI driver functions used during
    the connect returned bad status or an error.
    The cause may one or more of: invalid emulator serial number,
    blank emulator EEPROM, missing FTDI drivers, faulty USB cable.
    Use the xds100serial command-line utility in the 'common/uscif'
    folder to verify the emulator can be located.
    (Emulation package

    earlier it was fine when i reflshed the NAND with the above post after that i am getting the erros on CCS i cannot able to correct  and cant understand what to do .PLS HELP.....???

  • Hi Vivek,

    Please refer the following TI wiki links to troubleshoot the emulator problems.
    If not solved,

    Can you please create a new thread for this issue as posting on the same thread will get only less attention when compared to the new one. And as well, this thread seems to be a closed one.

    And also, I observed that all your posts have the same heading/title as "OMAPL138 LCDK".  Try to match it with your problem; so that it would be easy to differentiate various problems.

    Thanks for your understanding.